Giles Wesley GREGORY5,1,2,3,4
14th Feb 18531,2,3,4 - 9th Jun 19351,2
Life History
14th Feb 1853 |
Born in Eddyville, Lyon, Kentucky.1,2,3,4 |
4th Oct 1886 |
Birth of son Thomas Eddie GREGORY in Dallas, Dallas, Texas.6,7,8,5 |
9th Jun 1935 |
Died in Sikeston, Scott, Missouri.1,2 Absess of the rectum, Vesical Fastula [Fistula] |
11th Jun 1935 |
Buried in Sikeston City Cemetery, Sikeston, Scott County, Missouri.1,2 |
- His nickname was Wes, seeming to indicate that his middle name was Wesley. In the 1860 census, Giles was reported as only 2 years old, but the year of birth on his grave is 1853.
1860 Federal Census, Lyon County, Kentucky, 11 June, PO Eddyville, page 18, Hse/Fam #123
Thomas J Gregory 35 M Farmer $500 Real Estate $250 Personal born Kentucky [b abt 1825]
Mary A Gregory 32 F Domestic born Kentucky [b abt 1828]
John B Gregory 12 M born Kentucky [b abt 1848]
Margt A Gregory 10 F born Kentucky [b abt 1850]
Winifred J Gregory 8 M born Kentucky [b abt 1852]
Nancy E Gregory 4 F born Kentucky [b abt 1856]
William B Gregory 4 M born Kentucky [b abt 1856]
Giles W Gregory 2 M born Kentucky [b abt 1858]
1870 Federal Census, Lyon County, Kentucky, 13 June, District 1, PO Eddyville, page 15, Hse #110Fam #111
Gregory, Thomas 49 M W Farm Laborer $0 Real Estate $150 Personal born Kentucky [b abt 1821] Cannot Read and Write
Gregory, Mary 47 F W Keeps House b Kentucky [b abt 1823] Cannot Write
Gregory, John 21 M W Laborer born Kentucky [b 1849] Cannot Read and Write
Gregory, Nancy 15 F W born Kentucky [b abt 1855] Cannot Write
Gregory, Margaret 18 F W born Kentucky [b abt 1852] Cannot Write
Gregory, William 14 M W born Kentucky [b 1856]
Gregory, J W [Giles W] 10 M W born Kentucky [b 1860]
Gregory, Joseph 8 M W born Kentucky [b 1862]
Gregory, James 5 M W born Kentucky [b 1865]
- page 16 -
Gregory, Fanny 1 F W born Kentucky [b abt 1869]
Missouri Death Certificate
Giles W Gregory
Residence 619 Dorothy St, Sikeston, Scott County, Missouri
Birth 14 Feb 1853 Eddyville [Lyon County], Kentucky
Widower, Spouse was Nanie [Nannie?] Gregory
Father Tom Gregory, born in Kentucky, Mother Unknown, born in Kentucky
Death 9 Jun 1935 Sikeston, Scott County, Missouri
Cause of Death Absess of the rectum, Vesical Fastula [Fistula]
Burial 11 June 1935 Sikeston by John Albertson, Undertaker
Certificate 21832 filed 5 July 1935
Giles W "Wes" Gregory
Birth Feb. 14, 1853 Eddyville, Lyon County, Kentucky
Death Jun. 9, 1935 Sikeston, Scott County, Missouri
Son of Tom Gregory, Husband of Nanie Gregory
Burial Sikeston City Cemetery, Sikeston, Scott County, Missouri
Created by Graver Gal Jul 04, 2008
-- Find A Grave Memorial #28033327,
- 1. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 2. Missouri Death Certificate
- 3. 1860 Federal Census, Lyon County, Kentucky
- 11 June, PO Eddyville, page 18, Hse/Fam #123
- 4. 1870 Federal Census, Lyon County, Kentucky
- 13 June, District 1, PO Eddyville, page 15, Hse #110Fam #111
- 5. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
- 6. 1930 Federal Census, Jasper County, Missouri
- 15 April, Joplin, District 49-12, Page 12A, 205 Byers Ave, Hse #12, Fam 18
- 7. Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957
- 8. U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
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