Life History
17th Feb 1922 |
16th Jun 2001 |
after 16th Jun 2001 |
Buried in Unknown.1 |
Other facts
Married Lois Vernell WALLIS |
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"Quaid Family"
"Tax records for 1846 show that T W (Thomas Walter) Quaid was a resident of New Salem in Rusk County. ... T W and his wife Emily Moore came from Brownsville, Mississippi, Lafayette County. Upon arriving in Texas, they had four children with them: Benjamin Walter, Elihu (Eli Hugh), William Riley and Simpson. Emily's parents came with them.
"The movie actors, Randy and Dennis Quaid, are descended from Elihu's brother, Benjamin Walter. The line runs: Benjamin Walter, John Thomas, William Jesse, and their father William Rudy."
-- "Quaid Family" By Glen Quaid, Publication name & date unknown; courtesy of T R Fincher on 27 Mar 2015; accessed 9 April 2016
1940 Federal Census, Harris County, Texas, 5 April, Houston, District 258-83, Page 3A, 5306 Schuler Rd, Hse #48, Rents $20
Quaid, William J Head M W 45 Married Grade H1 b b Texas, Rural Comanche Co OK in 1935 Travelilng Salesman, Wholesale Hotel Supply Co [b abt 1895]
Quaid, Grace D Wife F W 39 Married Grade H3 b So Dakota, Rural Comanche Co OK in 1935 [b abt 1901]
Quaid, John R Son M W 18 Single Grade H4 b Oklahoma, Rural Comanche Co OK in 1935 salesman, Retail Drug Store [b abt 1922]
Quaid, William R Son M W 16 Single Grade 8 b Oklahoma, Rural Comanche Co OK in 1935 Newspaper Delivery Boy [b abt 1924]
Quaid, Valencia L Dau F W 12 Single Grade 4 b Oklahoma, Rural Comanche Co OK in 1935 [b abt 1928]
Quaid, Patricia L Dau F W 10 Single Grade 3 b Oklahoma, Same Place in 1935 [b abt 1930]
Quaid, Sandra D Dau F W 4 Single Grade 0 b Texas [b abt 1936]
John Robin Quaid
Birth Feb 17, 1922
Death Jun 16, 2001
Son of William Jessie Quaid and Grace Dakota Corbett. He married Lois Vernell Wallis.
Father William Jesse Quaid (1894 - 1973)
Sibling Sandra Dell Quaid Scanlin (1936 - 1972)
Note: Earthman Southwest handled arrangements.
Burial Unknown
Maintained by MillieBelle, Originally Created by dee Jul 17, 2001
-- Find A Grave Memorial #5621362,
- 1. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 2. 1940 Federal Census, Harris County, Texas
- 5 April, Houston, District 258-83, Page 3A, 5306 Schuler Rd, Hse #48, Rents $20