Life History
11th Jun 1894 |
11th Jun 1964 |
Death of Frank Charles CALENDER.4 |
26th May 1981 |
Died.4 |
after 26th May 1981 |
Buried in Mizpah Cemetery, Durant, Holmes County, Mississippi.4 |
Other facts
Married Frank Charles CALENDER |
- 1900 Federal Census, Holmes County, Mississippi, 21 June, Durant, District 40, page 16, Hse #319, Fam #327
Horton, Samuel O Head W M Oct 1867 27 Married 9 yrs [abt 1891] MS NC MS Farmer Rents
Horton, Bettie L Wife W F Dec 1872 32 Married 9 yrs 1 children/1 living MS TN AL
Horton, Gladys C Dau W F June 1893 6 Single MS MS MS
1910 Federal Census, Yalobusha County, Mississippi, 22 April, Water Valley Ward 3, District 121, Page 1B, Market St, Hse #195, Fam #223
Horton, Samuel O Head M W 41 Married 18 years MS NC MS Railroad Engineer Owns [b abt 1869]
Horton, Bettie F W 37 Married 18 years 1 children/1 living b MS VA VA [b abt 1873]
Horton, Gladys C Dau F W 15 Single MS MS MS [b abt 1895]
Sam and Bettie's daughter Gladys' Social Security record gives us her mother's maiden nae, as well as Gladys' married nmae and birthday.
U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Gladys Horton Calender [Gladys Horton Horton]
Birth Date 11 Jun 1894 Attala CO, Mississippi
Father Samuel O Horton
Mother Bettie L Gunter
May 1963 Name listed as GLADYS HORTON CALENDER
Gladys H Calender
Birth Jun 11, 1894
Death May 26, 1981
Burial Mizpah Cemetery, Durant, Holmes County, Mississippi, USA
Created by Dudley Rinicker Jan 30, 2011
-- Find A Grave Memorial #64874468,
- 1. 1900 Federal Census, Holmes County, Mississippi
- 21 June, Durant, District 40, page 16, Hse #319, Fam #327
- 2. 1910 Federal Census, Yalobusha County, Mississippi
- 22 April, Water Valley Ward 3, District 121, Page 1B, Market St, Hse #195, Fam #223
- 3. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
- 4. Find a Grave Memorial Registry