2nd Jun 18451,2,3 - 21st Mar 18682,3
Life History
2nd Jun 1845 |
Born in Missouri.1,2,3 |
after 1860 |
Birth of daughter Elmira GREEN in Parker County, Texas.4,3 |
about 1861 |
Married Alfred M GREEN in Parker County, Texas |
about 1862 |
Birth of daughter Olevia GREEN in Parker County, Texas.1 |
about 1865 |
Birth of son Raleigh GREEN in Parker County, Texas.1,5 |
21st Mar 1868 |
Died in Weatherford, Parker, Texas.2,3 |
after 21st Mar 1868 |
Buried in Clark Cemetery, Weatherford, Parker County, Texas.3 |
- The folloiwng record for the 1870 census reports Alfred M Green and his family. Eliza's grave reports she died in March 1868 The 1870 is at first puzzling, reporting an Eliza Green as keeping house. But we note she is only 21 years old, while the first child Olevia is 8 years old. So this unidentified Eliza could not be the mother of these chidlren.
1870 Federal Census, Parker County, Texas, 24 August, Precinct 2, PO Ft Worth, page 10, Hse/Fam #198
Green, Alfred M 34 M Farmer $500 Real Estate $500 Personal Estate born Georgia [b abt 1836]
Green, Eliza 21 F Kg House born Missouri [b abt 1849]
Green, Olive 8 M born Texas [b abt 1862]
Green, Rolly [Raleigh] 5 M born Texas [b abt 1865]
No 1880 census record has been identified with certainty for Alfred Green. The followng family matches to a large degree, but A M Green is reported born in Missouri, not Georgia. This family and the children's names have some similarity, to Andrew McClure Green and his wife Eliza Jane Huff, in Weatherford, while Alfred is reported on a farm in later records. But Eliza Ellen Decker Green's burial marker and a biograpy-obituary for Alfred on Clark Cemetery history report that Eiza Ellen died in 1868.
1880 Federal Census, Parker County, Texas, 22 June, Weatherford, District 134, page 21 (scan 347), Hse/Fam #207
Green, A M W M 50 Married Farmer MO MO MO [b abt 1830]
Green, E G W F 42 Married Keeps House TN TN TN [b abt 1838]
Green, Wm W M 19 Farm Hand TX MO TN [b abt 1861]
Green, Z??? W M 18 Son Farm Hand TX MO TN [b abt 1862]
Green, Mollie W F 15 Dau At Home TX MO TN [b abt 1865]
The 1880 census has Eliza's initials as E G, but the grave of Eliza Decker has her middle name as Ellen.
Her Find a Grave memorial reports Eliza's parents married in Missouri and Eliza born in Missouri. This seems likely. But a biographical summary of Alfred and his family on the Clark Cemetery History reports Eliza as "from Martinsburg, Pennsylvania." This seems awkward, at best, in light of other family facts.
Alfred M Green, a pioneer farmer and resident of Parker County, was born November 6, I833 in Raleigh, North Carolina. ... He married Eliza Ellen Decker born June 2. 1845, from Martinsburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. According to the 1870 United States Federal Census, Alfred M. Green, a widower [? the 1870 census did not report marital status], and his two children are found living in Precinct 2, Parker County, Texas. ... Alfred, Eliza E., their daughter Olevia Lee (Green) Dobbs and their grandson Onrille Austin Green (1892-1960) are buried in the family plot at Clark Cemetery along with many other descendents.
Excerpt from paper written by Kimberly Woody Boretsty
-- Biography-Obituary of Alfred M Green (1833-1907), written by Kimberly Woody Boretsky; accessed 7 October 2016 on Clark Cemetery History, http://www.clarkcemeteryhistory.org/green-alfred-m.html
Eliza Ellen Decker Green
Birth Jun 2, 1845
Death Mar 21, 1868
Nelson Decker had an original German name-Dietrick, or something-that apparently was "Americanized" when the family came to America. He and Christina were married in Missouri in 1841, their daughter Eliza was born in 1845 in Missouri, but by 1850 Christina and Eliza were living with one of her siblings in Missouri. I could never find Nelson Decker again, although I had a professional genealogist in Missouri "look" for him. The Waggoners and Lopps came from Germany, settled in North Carolina and some of them did not speak English for many years; they were apparently people of "means" as they had much land and many slaves.
originally written by: Ann Drake, ancestry.com
Mother Christina C Lopp Decker (1816 - 1879)
Spouse Alfred M Green (1833 - 1907)
Daughter Olevia Lee Green Dobbs (1861 - 1939)
Burial Clark Cemetery, Weatherford, Parker County, Texas, USA
Created by Tammy Clark Brown Oct 26, 2011
-- Find A Grave Memorial #79304458, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=79304458
- 1. 1870 Federal Census, Parker County, Texas
- 24 August, Precinct 2, PO Ft Worth, page 10, Hse/Fam #198
- 2. 1880 Federal Census, Parker County, Texas
- 22 June, Weatherford, District 134, page 21 (scan 347), Hse/Fam #207
- 3. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 4. Cemeteries of Texas
- 5. 1900 Federal Census, Parker County, Texas
- 6 June, Justice Precinct 2, District 70, page 8A-8B, Hse #40, Fam #44
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