about 18571,2 - UNKNOWN
Life History
about 1857 |
Born in Arkansas.1,2 |
Died |
- 1870 Federal Census, Washington County, Arkansas, [no date] September, Cave Hill Township, PO Boonesboro, page 9 (scan 85), Hse #48, Fam #49
Gregory, Philip 53 M W Farmer $750 Real Estate $800 Personal Estate born Virginia [b abt 1817]
Gregory, Martha 42 F W born Arkansas [b abt 1828]
Gregory, M 23 F W At Home born Tennessee Cannot read or write [b abt 1847]
Gregory, M 19 F W born Alabama [b abt 1851]
Gregory, James 18 M W born Alabama [b abt 1852]
Gregory, J H 10 M W born Arkansas [b 1860]
Gregory, Thos 9 M W born Arkansas [b 1861]
Gregory, S P 8 M W born Arkansas [b 1862]
Crawford, J T 12 M W Laboring on Farm born Arkansas [b abt 1858]
Crawford, J P 10 M W born Arkansas [b abt 1860]
Crawford, W A 6 M W born Arkansas [b 1864]
Hodge, S 11 F W born Arkansas [b 1859]
1880 Federal Census, Bell County, Texas, 14 June, Justice Precinct 5, District 5, page 24, Hse/Fam #205
Crawford, James T W M 23 Married Farmer AR AR AR [b abt 1857]
Crawford, Minnie A W F 20 Married Keeping House GA GA GA [b abt 1860]
Hext door to James is his stepbrother John W Gregory.
1880 Federal Census, Bell County, Texas, 14 June, Justice Precinct 5, District 5, page 24, Hse/Fam #206
Gregory, John W W M 22 Married Farmer AR VA TN [b abt 1858]
Gregory, Margaret M W F 18 Married Keeping House AL AL AL [b abt 1862]
On the other sid eof John is John's father and James' mother with their blended family. It appears the whole gortup moved to Texas from Arkansas some time after 1873, the approximate birth year of their youngest sister Mattie in Arkansas.
1880 Federal Census, Bell County, Texas, 14 June, Justice Precinct 5, District 5, page 24, Hse/Fam #207
Gregory, Phillip W M 60 Married Farmer VA VA VA [b abt 1820]
Gregory, Martha W F 49 Married Keeping House TN TN TN [b abt 1831]
Gregory, Thos A W M 20 Single Works on Farm AR KY TN Cannot write [b abt 1860]
Gregory, Sterling P W M 18 Single Works on Farm AR VA TN Cannot write [b abt 1842]
Gregory, Mary C W F 9 Dau At Home AR AR AR Cannot write [b abt 1871]
Gregory, Mattie M W F 7 Dau Single At Home AR AR AR Cannot write [b abt 1873]
Crawford, Wm A W M 16 Step Son Single Works on Farm AR AR AR Cannot write [b abt 1864]
Struh (?), Nancy W F 38 Sister-in-law Widow AR AR AR Cannot write [b abt 1842]
Hodges, Caswell G W M 25 Nephew Single Teaching School AR KY TN [b abt 1855]
Burkes, Martha B F 19 Servant Single Works on Farm AR AR AR Cannot write [b abt 1861]
- 1. 1880 Federal Census, Bell County, Texas
- 14 June, Justice Precinct 5, District 5, page 24, Hse/Fam #205
- 2. 1870 Federal Census, Washington County, Arkansas
- [no date] September, Cave Hill Township, PO Boonesboro, page 9 (scan 85), Hse #48, Fam #49