David Alexander SKEEN1,8,2,3,4,7,5,6
Jan 18241,2,3,4,5,6 - 3rd Apr 19222,3,7,5
Life History
Jan 1824 |
Born in Russell County, Virginia.1,2,3,4,5,6 |
27th Sep 1857 |
Birth of daughter Sarah SKEENES in Virginia.9,3,1,8,10 |
about 1862 |
Birth of daughter Mary SKEEN in Virginia.1 |
about 1865 |
Birth of son Charles SKEEN in Virginia.1 |
15th Jul 1889 |
Death of Nancy RASNICK in Hillsboro, Fleming, Kentucky.3 |
3rd Apr 1922 |
Died in Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky.2,3,7,5 Chronic Nephritis |
4th Apr 1922 |
Buried in Skeen Mountain Cemetery, Hillsboro, Fleming County, Kentucky.2,3,5 |
- 1880 Federal Census, Fleming County, Kentucky, 7 June, District 28, page 9 (scan 458A), Hse/Fam #76
Skeans, David A W M 55 Head Farmer VA SC VA [b abt 1825]
Skeans, Nancy M W F 55 Wife Keeping House VA -- VA [b abt 1825]
Skeans, Sariah [Sarah] W F 22 Dau Single VA VA VA [b abt 1858]
Skeans, Mary W F 18 Dau Single VA VA VA [b abt 1862]
Skeans, Charly W M 15 Son Single VA VA VA [b abt 1865]
Skeans, Wesley W M 1 Grandson KY KY VA [b abt 1879]
The child Wesley is the daughter of David's daughter Sarah )Sariah), reported in this census as single. He later went by John Wesley Gregory, adopted by his stepfather Jefferson Preston Gregory, after Sarah's marriage. No information is available on Wesley's biological father.
1900 Federal Census, Bourbon County, Kentucky, 15 June, Ruddel's Mill Precinct, District 10, page 16B, Hse #300, Fam #307
Skeen, Jasper Head W M Nov 1851 48 Married 24 yrs [mar abt 1876] VA VA VA Farmer Rents
Skeen, Jennie Wife W F Apr 1861 39 Married 24 yrs 7 children/5 living OH OH OH
Skeen, Absalom Son W M Apr 1878 22 Single KY VA OH Farm Laborer
Skeen, James W Son W M Aug 1885 14 Single KY VA OH At School
Skeen, John A Son W M Sep 1887 12 Single KY VA OH At School
Skeen, Oma Dau W F Dec 1892 7 Single KY VA OH
Skeen, Amanda Dau W F Jun 1897 2 Single KY VA OH
Skeen, David Father W M Widowed Jan 1824 76 Single VA VA VA
In 1910, David was reported again in Bourbon County, but this time in the home of a different son.
1910 Federal Census, Bourbon County, Kentucky, 28 April, flat Rock District, Enumeration District 6, pages 11A-11B, Hse #154, Fam #156
Skeen, charles C Head M W 48 Marriage 2 Married 5 yrs [mar abt 1905] VA VA VA House & Barn Carpenter [b abt 1862]
Skeen, Anna E Wife F W 28 Marriage 1 Married 5 yrs 6 child/5 living KY KY KY [b abt 1882]
Skeen, Robert M Son M W 3 KY KY KY [b abt 1907]
Skeen, Rebeca [sic] dau F W 1yr3mos KY KY KY [b abt Jan 1909]
-- pages 11A-11B --
Skeen, David Father M W Widowed 86 VA VA VA [b abt Sep 1824]
His daughter Sarah's death certificate confirms her parents' names and birth states, as well as reporting Sarah's birth state as Virginia.
Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1964
Sarah Gregory Maddox [Sarah Gregory Skeens]
Housewife, Widow
Father David A Skeens, born Virginia
Mother Nancy Rasnick, born Virginia
Informant Mrs Allie Gross, Indiana
Death 70, Birth abt 1858 Virginia
Death 26 September 1928 Fleming County, Kentucky, USA
Cause of Death Interruption of Bowels and Peritonitis Following
Burial 28 September 1928 Hillsboro Cemetery, Hillsboro, Fleming County, Kentucky, by Yantis and Stewart Funeral Home, Flemingsburg, Kentucky
Certificate #24652 filed 27 September 1928
A short newspaper obituary with no date other than March 3 reports that David Skeen died at the age of 98 in a Lexington hospital after several weeks illness. There was no information on the newspaper this clipping was cut from. Through some research we determined that the year was 1922, and the paper was the Carlisle Mercury in Nicholas County, Kentucky.
"Mr David A Skeen aged 98 years, one of the oldest citizens in the County, died at a Lexington hospital on Monday, March 3 [1922], after a several weeks illness with senlity. The body was brought to the home of his son Charles Skeen, in the county. Funeral service and burial were held at Hillsboro, Fleming County, Tuesday [4 March 1922]."
-- The Carlise Mercury, Nicholas County, Kentucky, after 4 March 1922
Note that the funeral and burial were on the day after death. This seems quick, since there are three couties involved. But Google maps indicates it is only 36 miles from Lexington to Carlisle (hospital to son's home), or about 52 minutes travel. From Carlisle on to Hillsboro (funeral and burial spot), it is 30 miles or about 40 minutes travel.
Additionally I later discovered his death certificate, and that reports death was 3 April 1922! The person originally providing the news clip got the month of publication wrong (there no month or year is otherwise on the obit).
Kentucky, Death Index, 1911-2000
D A Skeen
Death 3 Apr 1922 Fayette County
Age 98
Recorded Volume 18, Certificate #8733
Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1965
D A Skeen
Widower, Age 98 yrs, 2 mos, 3 days
Birth January 1824 Virginia
Father Johnothan Skeen, born Virginia
Mother Sallie Monk, born No Carolina
Death Age 70, Birth 1858 Virginia
Death 3 Apr 1922 Eastern State Hospital, Fayette County, Kentucky, USA
Cause of Death Chronic Nephritis
Burial 4 April 1922 Home Place, Fleming County, Kentucky by Mathers, Potts & Co, Carlisle [Nicholas County], Kentucky
Certificate #3733 filed 14 April 1922
David Alexander Skeen
Birth Jan 1824 Russell County, Virginia, USA
Death Apr 3, 1922 Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, USA
Carlise Mercury, Nicholas County,KY
March 1922
Mr. David A. Skeen aged 98 years,one of the oldest citizens in the County, died at a Lexington hospital on Monday March 3, after several weeks illness with senlity. The body was brought to the home of his son Charles Skeen, in the county. Funeral service and burial were held at Hillsboro, Fleming County, Tuesday.
Spouse Nancy Rasnick Skeen (1823 - 1889), daughter of Jacob [Rasnake/Rasnick] and Judith Finney
Zilliah Addie Rasnick Browning
Zillah Adk Skeens Browning (1846 - 1918)
Emmett Thomas Skeen (1849 - 1925)
Jasper Newton Skeen (1851 - 1936)
Elijah Skeens (1854 - 1909)
Sarah Skeans Gregory (1857 - 1928)
Charles Creed Skeen (1866 - 1940)
Mary Rasnake Skeens Kautz (1873 - 1898)
Burial Skeen Mountain Cemetery, Hillsboro, Fleming County, Kentucky, USA
Created by Audrey Oct 17, 2008
-- Find A Grave Memorial #30637706, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30637706/david-skeen
- 1. 1880 Federal Census, Fleming County, Kentucky
- 7 June, District 28, page 9 (scan 458A), Hse/Fam #76
- 2. Obituaries from Kentucky
- 3. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 4. 1900 Federal Census, Bourbon County, Kentucky
- 15 June, Ruddel's Mill Precinct, District 10, page 16B, Hse #300, Fam #307
- 5. Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1965
- 6. 1910 Federal Census, Bourbon County, Kentucky
- 28 April, flat Rock District, Enumeration District 6, page 11B, Hse #154, Fam #156
- 7. Kentucky, Death Index, 1911-2000
- 8. Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1964
- 9. Kentucky 1910 Miracode Index
- 10. 1920 Federal Census, Casey County, Kentucky
- 13 January, Butchertown, District 53, page 9A, Hse #169, Fam #173
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