18th Aug 18961,2 - 26th Jul 19022
Life History
18th Aug 1896 |
Born in Mississippi.1,2 |
26th Jul 1902 |
Died.2 |
- 1900 Federal Census, Chickasaw County, Mississippi, [no date], Rural Okolona, District 16, page 12B, Hse #218, Fam #234
Gregory, William H Head W M Aug 1857 42 Married 11 yrs [mar abt 1889] MS SC SC Farmer Owns
Gregory, Ada Wife W F June 1870 29 Married 11 yrs 5 children/4 living TN TN NC
Gregory, Eugene Son W M June 1890 9 Single MS MS TN
Gregory, Aubrey Son W M Feb 1892 8 Single MS MS TN
Gregory, Hortense Dau W F Feb 1894 6 Single MS MS TN
Gregory, Murray Son W M Aug 1896 5 Single MS MS TN
Gregory, Levitia Mother W F Oct 1828 71 Single SC SC SC
James Murrey Gregory
Birth Aug 18, 1896
Death Jul 26, 1902
Printed Aug 13 1902 Okolona Messenger
Died near Okolona of scarlet fever, July 26th 1902 little James Murry Son of W.H. and Ada Gregory.
Little Murrey was a lovely promising child and at the early age of six manifested a noble spirit that would have crowned him in manhood.
His gentle, winning manner won the hearts of all who knew him and his love for his mother whom he always addressed as "little mama" was usually fervent and intense.
A few days before he was stricken with fever he came in from play and caressing her said "kiss me little mama I love you so."
How sad when these fair tender buds of humanity are gathered ere they have blossomed into maturity; how desolate the home where their bright beauty had shed a glow upon all things around and how sore and wounded the hearts that yearns for their sweet companionship.
but in the sweet assurance that we lose nothing that we ever possessed O mother! O father! be comforted! The sweet child who came to you daily asking to be kissed and telling you of his wonderful love for you is still yours and has only passed into heaven's keeping to await your coming.
William Harrison Gregory (1857 - 1929)
Ada Knowles Gregory (1869 - 1949)
Eugene H Gregory (1890 - 1952)
William Aubrey Gregory (1892 - 1967)
Hortense Gregory Smith (1894 - 1989)
Ida Miriam Gregory Stone (1900 - 1976)
Burial Grange Hall Cemetery, Okolona, Chickasaw County, Mississippi, USA
Created by FamilyResearcher Jan 06, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 32692776, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32692776
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