William Henry Harrison GREGORY2,2
14th May 18401,2,2 - 12th Mar 19272,2
Life History
14th May 1840 |
Born in Drewrys Bluff, Chesterfield, Virginia.1,2,2 |
12th Mar 1927 |
Died in Statesville, Iredell, North Carolina.2,2 |
about 14th Mar 1927 |
Buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina.2 |
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... from the Bible of Richard Gregory, which was owned by Doctor William W. Gregory, of Charlotte, North Carolina:
"Roger Gregory, my father, married Mary Cole Claiborne, and had Richard and five other children, as stated above.
"Richard married the widow of William Broadnax, who was the daughter of Colonel Seth Ward, and had four children, Martha, Richard, Maria, and Seth.
"Martha married General John Pegram, of Dinwiddle County, and had five sons, James West Pegram and four others, and several daughters.
"Richard Gregory married, secondly, Elizabeth Wilkinson, daughter of Colonel Nathaniel Wilkinson, of Henrico County, by whom he had William W. Gregory, four sons and six daughters.
"Doctor William W. Gregory married Elizabeth R. Taylor, daughter of Thomas Taylor, of Richmond, Virginia, by whom he had, in 1843, three sons, Thomas, Richard, and William Gregory."
-- Peyton Neale Clarke, Old King William homes and families; an account of some of the old homesteads and families of King William County, Virginia, from its earliest settlement (Louisville: John P Morton And Company, 1897), p 37, https://archive.org/stream/oldkingwilliamho00clar/oldkingwilliamho00clar_djvu.txt
Col William Henry Harrison Gregory
Birth 14 May 1840 Drewrys Bluff, Chesterfield County, Virginia, USA
Death 12 Mar 1927 (aged 86) Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina, USA
Burial Oakwood Cemetery, Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina, Section B / Lot 24 / Grave
Son of William Wilkinson Gregory & Elizabeth Randolph Taylor.
Married 1) Dora Brown in 1866
Father of: Mary Armstead Gregory & Caroline M. Gregory
Married 2) Moriah "Mittie" Louise Ramsey on 12 October 1880 in Statesville, NC
Father of: Richard Kidder Gregory; Rhylma; Marie; Elizabeth
Landmark (Statesville, NC)
14 March 1927, Monday; front page
William Henry Harrison Gregory was born on his father's plantation at Drewery's Bluff, Va., May 14, 1840. His father was Dr. Wm. W. Gregory and his mother Miss Elizabeth Randolph Taylor., a daughter of Col. Thomas P. Taylor, a lawyer of Richmond. She died soon after the birth of her son and Dr. Gregory afterward married Miss Ellen Upsher, of Norfolk, Va., a granddaughter of Abel P. Upsher, of the United States navy, who was killed by an explosion on the steamer Princeton.
Under the direction of his step-mother, young Gregory was educated in a military way and received an appointment to Annapolis Naval Academy through Congressman Caskey, of Richmond. This was about the time of the John Brown raid on Harper's Ferry and Col. Gregory, was at the time a member of Company F, a Richmond military company. At the request of Gov. Wise this company was ordered to escort him to Harper's Ferry to quell the insurrection. After John Brown was removedto Charleston this company was ordered back to aid in the execution, as threats had been made to release Brown.
In 1858, when President Monroe's remains were removed from New York to Richmond, escorted by the Seventh New York regiment, a grandson of Alexander Hamilton, a member of the regiment was drowneed and was not missed until the regimentreached Washington. The remains were recovered and the Governor of Virginia hired a steamer and sent the remains back to New York, at the expense of the State of Virginia. A detail of two was sent from each company of Virginia troops as an escort and Col. Gregory was a member of the escort.
Soon after the John Brown execution Col. Gregory moved with his father and brother to Charlotte, NC. The civil war began and he was ordered to report to Camp Lee as a drill master. He was sent to drill the Petersburg troops and also to Craney Island. Gov. Ellis issued a proclamation calling for troopsand Col. gregory enlisted, assisted in organizing the Forty-second regimentand was elected adjutant.Served through the war and was wounded at Port Walthall Junction by the explosion of a shell while he was charging the enemy.
Col. Gregory returned to Charlotte and in 1866 married Miss Dora Brown of Wilmington. She died and he afterward came to Statesville and engaged in the cotton business. In 1880 he married Miss Mittie L. Ramsey, of Columbus, Miss.
After Gen. J.S. Carr was elected to command the Confederate veterans of North Carolina he appointed Col. Gregory inspector general with the rank of lieutenant colonel.
{This is only a partial transcription of the obituary that appeared}
William Wilkinson Gregory 1807-1885
Elizabeth Randolph Taylor Gregory
Spouse Mittie Louise Ramsey Gregory 1858-1938
Richard Kidder Gregory 1836-1910
Half Sibling:
Elizabeth Gregory Brown 1862-1951
Mary Armistead Gregory 1870-1950
Caroline M Gregory Lackey 1875-1972
Richard Kidder Gregory 1880 - unknown
Marie Gregory Weaver 1883-1961
Rhylma Gregory Evans 1885-1966
Created by Kelly Jane O 15 Apr 2011
-- Find A Grave Memorial 68398778, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/68398778/william-henry_harrison-gregory
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