Mary GRAVES1,4,2,3
about 18141,2,3 - after 1880
Life History
about 1814 |
Born in South Carolina.1,2,3 |
12th Sep 1840 |
Birth of daughter Lecey Elvina SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama.1,5,4,6,2 |
between 1841 and 1844 |
Birth of daughter Arminda SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama.2,1 |
about 1843 |
Birth of daughter Hulda Jane SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama.1,2 |
about 1847 |
Birth of daughter Eliza SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama.1,2 |
May 1848 |
Birth of son Early M SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama.7,8,2,1 |
about 1849 |
Birth of daughter Malsa SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama.2 |
Jan 1853 |
Birth of daughter Mary Respy SIMONS in Alabama.9,10,11,3,12,13 |
about 1855 |
Birth of son George B SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama.1 |
before 1860 |
Death of daughter Malsa SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama |
before 1860 |
Death of son George B SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama |
about 1861 |
Birth of daughter Sarah A Nancy SIMMONS in Alabama.14 |
after 1880 |
Death of Bethel SIMMONS in Pike County, Alabama |
after 1880 |
Died in Alabama |
Other facts
Married Bethel SIMMONS |
- In 1850, Mary appears as the wife of Bethel Simmons, at what appears to be recorded as age 27. this matches the age of 37 in the 1860 census.
1850 Federal Census, Pike County, Alabama, 18 Dec, Hse/Fam #Not Readable
Bethel Simmons 42 M Farming born NC
Mary Simmons 27 F b SC
Arminda Simmons 9 F b Ala [b abt 1844]
Huldy Jane Simmons 7 F b AL
Lecy Simmons 5 F b AL
Elza Simmons 3 F b AL
Early Simmons 2 M b AL
Malsa Simmons 1 F b AL
1860 Federal Census, Pike County, Alabama, 13 June, Eastern Division, PO Jasper, Page 15 (191), House/Fam #98
Bethel Simmons 53 M Farmer $400 Real estate $2360 Personal b NC Cannot read or write [born abt 1807]
Mary Simmons 36 F b SC Cannot read or write [born abt 1824]
Arminda Simmons 16 F b Ala [born abt 1844]
Huldah J Simmons 13 F Ala [born abt 1847]
Leacy E Simmons 11 F Ala [born abt 1849]
Eliza Simmons 10 F Ala [born abt 1850]
Early M Simmons 8 M Ala [born abt 1852]
Moley (Molly) Simmons 7 F Ala [born abt 1853]
George B Simmons 5 M Ala [born abt 1850]
James H Rogers 23 M Farm Laborer Ala $800 Real estate $500 Personal b NC Cannot read or write [born abt 1837]
In the 1870 census, an enumerator error causes the name to come out written as Simnons.
1870 Federal Census, Pike County, Alabama, 7 June, p 24, PO Troy, Hse/Fam #163
Simnons, Bethel 63 M W Farm Laborer $500 Real Estate $500 Personal Estate b South Carolina Cannot read or write [b abt 1807]
Simnons, Mary 52 F W Keeping House South Carolina Cannot read or write [born abt 1819]
Simnons, Jessey B 18 M W At Home Alabama Cannot write [born abt 1852]
Simnons, Graves Nancy 9 F W Alabama [born abt 1819]
The last child, Nancy Graves is the daughter of Mary Graves
- 1. 1860 Federal Census, Pike County, Alabama
- 13 June, Eastern Division, PO Jasper, Page 15 (191), House/Fam #98
- 2. 1850 Federal Census, Pike County, Alabama
- 18 Dec, Hse/Fam #Not Readable
- 3. 1870 Federal Census, Pike County, Alabama
- 7 June, p 24, PO Troy, Hse/Fam #163
- 4. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- Memorial #37834258,
- 5. Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974
- 6. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
- 7. Alabama Deaths, 1908-59
- Volume 10, Roll 3, Page 4798
- 8. 1910 Federal Census, Pike County, Alabama
- 15 April, Goshen Hill, District 139, page 2A, Greenville Ave, Hse #20, Fam #24
- 9. 1910 Federal Census, Stephens County, Oklahoma
- 21 April, Richland Township, District 243, page 4B, No Hse/Fam Numbers
- 10. 1920 Federal Census, Grady County, Oklahoma
- [no date], Starr Township, District 189, page 3B, Hse/Fam #46
- 11. Marlow Cemetery List, Marlow, Stephens, Oklahoma
- Location:;
- 12. 1900 Federal Census, Kaufman County, Texas
- 18 June, Justice Precinct 3, District 74, page 14A, Hse #157, Fam #161
- 13. 1880 Federal Census, Rockwall County, Texas
- 10 June, District 32, page 3, Hse/Fam #21
- 14. 1880 Federal Census, Pike County, Alabama
- 29 June, Beat #14, District 149, page 56, Hse #371, Fam #372