Life History
9th Sep 1920 |
Born.1 |
29th Dec 1987 |
Died.1 |
after 29th Dec 1987 |
Buried in Wheatland Cemetery, Wheatland, Platte County, Wyoming.1 |
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Thomas Tugman's Parents
I am a direct decendant from one Thomas E Tugman born about 1890. He married a Della (do not know maiden name). He had three children Evelynn Tugman, Thomas Tugman and my mother Mary Tugman.
My great grand father was a Tugman, all I know. Only hint I have is apparently he married a [Choctaw woman]. She was my grandfather's mother. He told a story that one day when he was very young a man came rideing in and tried to rape my great grandmother. She killed him. Great grandfather took the fall for the murder, because he felt that during this time they would have killed his wife, even if she did kill him defending herself from his advances.
I know that they are the Oklahoma line of Tugmans. My mother can remember going to Oklahoma to visit his family as a kid but she does not recall any names. She also can remember my grandfather telling stories of visiting his mothers side of the family on the Reservation. I asume the Oklahoma Chacktaw [Choctaw] reservation. But not certain.
Grandfather was a halfbreed that looked white and he did not really talk about the Indian side, because of the trouble he had seen it bring on people.
-- "mandayven," 28 May 2009, on a discussion board, through the research of Joyce Kelso, posted on Ancestry 28 August 2013, accessed 28 March 2019
Maude Evelyn Tugmon Stanker
BIRTH 9 Sep 1920
DEATH 29 Dec 1987 (aged 67)
BURIAL Wheatland Cemetery, Wheatland, Platte County, Wyoming, Row 55, Block 4W, Lot 98
Thomas Edward Tugmon 1889-1964
Della Mae Hodson Tugmon 1901-1994
Spouse Edward Alexander Stanker 1913-2003 (m. 1951)
Maintained by Kathy and Bob Stanker, Originally Created by Lostnwyomn 22 Jul 2012
-- Find a Grave Memorial 94032150,