Life History
20th Jun 1868 |
Born.1 |
16th Oct 1889 |
Married Priscilla LESLIE in Lee County, Mississippi.2 |
14th Oct 1890 |
Birth of son Nim Addison GREGORY in Mississippi.1 |
7th May 1917 |
Died in Ballardsville, Itawamba, Mississippi.1 |
after 7th May 1917 |
Buried in Boguefala Cemetery, Mooreville, Lee County, Mississippi.1 |
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Benjaman F Gregory
BIRTH 20 Jun 1868
DEATH 7 May 1917 (aged 48)
BURIAL Boguefala Cemetery, Mooreville, Lee County, Mississippi, USA
Tupelo Daily Journal, May 11th, 1917
B F Gregory
Died, at his home near Ballardsville on Monday evening, May 7th, after a lingering illness, Ben F. Gregory in his 49th year.
Early in the year, Mr. Gregory was taken ill and went to Memphis where he was operated on for appendicitis. Returning home, complications set up and he again returned to Memphis where he remained several weeks under the care of expert physicians of that city. Not improving he came home and since that time he was been under the treatment of local physicians and the family have been untiring in their efforts to relieve him. He gradually grew worse and the end came peacefully Monday afternoon with this sorrowful family and many friends weeping at this beside.
B. F. Gregory was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gregory, his mother having died a few years ago. He was educated in the schools of his neighborhood and when a young man he was married to Miss Leslie and settled on a farm in the Fourth district. He was a man of great energy and soon acquired a competency by his energy and business fore sight. Six children were born to the union, three boys and three girls, all of whom survive him.
His father, two brothers and Several sisters also survive Him. During his last illness his devoted wife and brother Anderson, were his constant attendants and at no time did they fail to do every thing in their power to relieve his suffering. Their attentions were prompted by the deepest feelings of love and sympathy and their entire time was given over to ministering to his wants.
In his suffering he bore it with patience and each day prayed that God’s will should be done. Since early life he was a consecrated Christian and had implicit faith in the mercy and wisdom of an all-wise Providence. He was a member of the Baptist church and took an active part in all of the affairs of his church.
Two years ago he was elected Supervisor from the Fourth district and he took great interest in the affairs of the people that he decided to serve and the affairs of the county were as care fully guarded as were his own private business. He believed that the public trust should be held as sacred and his labors for the District and county were always marked by a strict attention to duty
In his family life he was devoted to the wife of his bosom and his children were the recipients of every attention that a father could give. It was a special pride for him to give each of his children the best in education and from a business standpoint. By his family he was loved with that warmth of devotion which comes from perfect confidence.
In his intercourse with his neighbors, no man was more generous and accommodating. It was always a pleasure to him to help a neighbor and friend and his neighbors who knew him best were his most ardent friends and admirers. His deeds of kindness stand as a lasting monument to his memory, as a man, a neighbor and a citizen.
The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Mooresville, the remains being laid to rest in the cemetery there. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Clayton, his pastor and Rev. Jeff Rogers of Amory.
Following the funeral sermon, the Woodmen of the World of the Mooresville camp took charge and buried the remains with the Woodmen ritual. Many friends from Tupelo and the adjoining county were present. The church could not hold the large crowd that assembled to pay their last tribute to the memory of their beloved friend. Many beautiful floral offerings were carried and laid upon his last resting place. To the bereaved family the sympathy of all goes out in this dark hour of their loss and the write feels a personal loss in the death of his good, true friend.
Resolutions Upon the Death of B. F. Gregory
Whereas, death has called from us our friend, associate and fellow official, B. F. Gregory, supervisor from the Fourth District and..
Whereas, we feel a keen sense of our loss and the loss to the people of this county; therefore as an expression of our regret in his loss and in expression of our sympathy with his family, be it Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Lee county, Miss, that in the death of our associate we have lost an officer who was always true and faithful in the performance of every duty imposed upon him. We feel that his district has not only lost a worthy, competent and faithful official but also a noble and Christian citizen. We shall miss him around our council board and in our deliberations where his wise counsel and good judgment were always helpful.
We extend to the bereaved loved ones our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement, and as a further mark of our sympathy and respect we direct the clerk of this board to spread this resolution upon the minutes and furnish a copy thereof to the widow of the deceased, and have a copy of same published in a county newspaper.
Ordered by the board this the 9th day of May, 1917.
A S. Parham, Pres
JnoM Witt, Clerk
Contributor: Hal Plunkett (49944036)
Father William H Gregory 1839-1919
Spouse Priscilla Leslie Gregory 1871-1952
Susan La Eunie Gregory Cason 1866-1935
William Anderson Gregory 1870-1951
Essie Issaguena Gregory Williams 1872-1939
Mary Elizabeth Gregory 1875-1963
James Thomas Gregory 1877-1929
Muzettie Gregory Caldwell 1879-1956
Florence Gregory Trapp 1881-1958
Nancy Ann Gregory Williams 1883-1972
Nim Addison Gregory 1890-1954
Myrtis Gregory Ruff 1894-1971
Calvin L Gregory 1900-1941
Lois E Gregory 1904-1904
Maintained by James Bodily
Originally Created by Anonymous 13 Apr 2004
-- Find a Grave Memorial 66449443,
- 1. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 2. Mississippi Marriages, 1800-1911