16th Jun 18991,2,3,4,5,6,7 - 21st Sep 19904,5,6
Life History
16th Jun 1899 |
Born in Jefferson County, Tennessee.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
28th Sep 1920 |
Married Charles HENRY in Cocke County, Tennessee.8,6 |
5th Feb 1976 |
Death of Charles HENRY in Dandridge, Jefferson, Tennessee.5,6,4 |
21st Sep 1990 |
Died.4,5,6 |
after 21st Sep 1990 |
Buried in Hills Union Cemetery, Dandridge, Jefferson County, Tennessee.5,6 |
- 1900 Federal Census, Jefferson County, Tennessee, 15 June, Civil District 17, District 55, page 10A, Hse/Fam #166
Strange, John W Head W M Mar 1879 21 Married 2 years TN TN TN Farmer Rents
Strange, Polly A Wife W F Mar 1877 23 Married 2 years 1 child/1 living TN TN TN
Strange, Cyntha E Dau W M June 1899 11mos TN TN TN
1910 Federal Census, Jefferson County, Tennessee, 18 April, Civil District 8, Enumeration District 27, page 1B, Hse/Fam #11
Strange, Porter Head M W 28 Married 11 yrs TN TN TN Farmer Owns
Strange, Sarah Wife F W 29 Married 11 yrs 3 children/2 living TN TN TN
Strange, Cintha A F W 10 Single TN TN TN
Strange, Virgie M Dau F W 8 Single TN TN TN
1920 Federal Census, Jefferson County, Tennessee, 22 January, Civil District 8, Enumeration District 78, page 8A, Hse/Fam #122
Strange, Porter Head Owns M W 42 Married TN TN TN Farm Laborer [b abt 1878]
Strange, Sarah Wife F W 44 Married TN TN TN [b abt 1876]
Strange, Sinlie [Cynthia] F W 20 Single TN TN TN [b abt 1900]
Strange, Harmon M W 9 Single TN TN TN [b abt 1911]
Strange, Cora F W 4 Single TN TN TN [b abt 1926]
Cynthia married later in 1920.
Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002
Cynthia Strange
Charles Henry
Marriage bond of $1250 signed by Charles Henry and O G Hill
Marriage 28 Sep 1920 Cocke County, Tennessee, USA
Ceremony performed by Oscar O Neil, JP
Recorded in Cocke County Marriage Book, p 353
There are two similar marriage records for two different young women named Cynthia Strange, both of whom married a Charles Henry. Birth dates and other records are found mixed for these two in various genealogies. Since the daughter of Porter Strange and Sarah Hale here was still in her parents' home in 1920, the marriage in 1918 was for a different Cynthia Strange, who would be the daughter of John W Strange and Mary Ann Beeson.
This marriage was in the neighboring county of Cocke, where many Stranges and related families went to be married. That marriage was also corroborated by a WWI draft registration by Cthat harlie Henry of Dandridge (Jefferson County) later in 1918, which reported the wife of Charles as Sinth Henry. This registraton record also enabled us to differentiate the two Charles Henrys, finding that the birth date on the registration card also different from the birth date of the Chalres Henry buried in Hills Union Cemetery.
The difference in marriage years distinguishes these two young women. Porter and Sarah's daughter is additionally distinguished by the report in the 1900 census of her as Cynthia E Strange. We have not clarified the two Chalres Henrys.
All four of these individuals were born very close t the same time. Absolute birth dates are unclear. One birth date has been reported for Cynthia, daughter of Porter and Sarah, as 16 June 1899. But there is northing clearly documenting this as the daughter of Porter and Sarah. What brought this confusion to light was that the same birth date appeared for both these Cynthias, in the course of finding the two similar marriage records.
There are missing pieces that cause uncertainty. Daughters named Cynthia or similar are definitely found for two different Strange families, and the deatilas available on the daughter of Robert and Mary Ann and her spouse are indeterminate. It is odd that no separate censues have been found for two different couples. The 1930 census is unheloful, since the ages don't match this couple's other records, but we do not have exact dates on the other couple to indicate that it is them either.
We do have the second marriage record which is definitely two years after the other and other records matching both that fit these timelines.
The folloiwng 1930 census is the only one found for these nmaes. It is near Dandridge, buit the Civil District is reported as District 3, rhather than 8, as in 1910, 1020 and 1940. The ages aare also out of sync with other records. the age of Siunth being reported as 2 years older than expected form other records. But thie age at first marriage for them matches the year of the marriage in September 1920. It appeatrs the enumerator reversed their reported ages. But the age at marriage matches their marriage in September 1920.
1930 Federal Census, Jefferson County, Tennessee, 4 April, District 3, Enumeration District 45-6, page 4B, Dandridge Grade, Hse #72, Fam #73
Henry, Charlie Head Rents Has Radio F W 30 Married at age 20 TN TN TN Farm Laborer [b abt 1874]
Henry, Sinthy Wife F W 32 Married at age 22 [mar 1918] TN TN TN [b abt 1913]
The couple that married in 1920 turned out to be the ones buried in a joint grave in Hills Union Cemetery, where othe members of Porter and Sarah Strange's family family are also buried. Genealogies I have found for this couple are following the Henry line and have no parents for Cynthia Strange to help determine which is which. The dates on her joint tombstone with her husband Charles Henry are sometimes reported by genealogies for the other Chalres and Cynthia Henry of about the same age.
1940 Federal Census, Jefferson County, Tennessee, 23 April, District 8, Enumeration District 45-16, page 13A, Hse #320, Owns $300, Farm
Henry, Charlie Head M W 40 M Married Grade 2 b Tennessee same house in 1935 Farming [b abt 1900]
Henry, Cynthia Wife F W 40 Married Grade 2 b Tennessee same house in 1935 [b abt 1900]
Henry, Dooley Nephew M W 17 Single Grade 5 b Tennessee same house in 1935 Laborer [b abt 1923]
Social Security Death Index
Cynthia S Henry
Born 16 Jun 1899
Died 21 Sep 1990
SSN 411-16-3307 issued Tennessee - Before 1951
Charles June 15, 1898 Feb 5, 1976
Cynthia S June 16, 1899 Sept 21, 1990
Hills Union Cemetery, Dandridge, Jefferson County, Tennessee
-- photo courtesy of Michelle Hillier, posted on Find a Grave 23 January 2018, accessed 14 April 2018, used by permission
Cynthia S Henry
Birth 16 Jun 1899
Death 21 Sep 1990 (aged 91)
James Porter Strange (1877 - 1928)
Sarah C. Strange (1875 - 1948)
Spouse Charles Henry (1898 - 1976)
Cynthia S. Henry (1899 - 1990)
Vegie Strange Smelcer (1902 - 2002)
Burial Hills Union Cemetery, Dandridge, Jefferson County, Tennessee
Created by Virgil & DeAnna Hancock-Cooley 31 Mar 2003
-- Find A Grave Memorial #7313412, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/7313412/cynthia-s.-henry
- 1. 1910 Federal Census, Jefferson County, Tennessee
- 18 April, Civil District 8, Enumeration District 27, page 1B, Hse/Fam #11
- 2. 1900 Federal Census, Jefferson County, Tennessee
- 15 June, Civil District 17, District 55, page 10A, Hse/Fam #166
- 3. 1920 Federal Census, Jefferson County, Tennessee
- 22 January, Civil District 8, Enumeration District 78, page 8A, Hse/Fam #122
- 4. Social Security Death Index
- 5. Gravestones of Tennessee
- 6. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 7. 1930 Federal Census, Jefferson County, Tennessee
- 4 April, District 3, Enumeration District 45-6, page 4B, Dandridge Grade, Hse #72, Fam #73
- 8. Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002
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