Nicholas THOMAS Peter THOMAS Catherine THOMAS Laura Margaret THOMAS Mary Elizabeth THOMAS Anna M THOMAS Lewis N THOMAS Joseph THOMAS Mary Ann KIEFER Mini tree diagram


about 18631 - before 1880

Life History

about 1863

Born in Brazos County, Texas.1

before 1880

Died in Brazos County, Texas

Not in 1880 census


  • In the 1870 census this person is enumerated only as J Thomas, age 7.  All the persons in this census for Brazos County were listed only by initials.  I have not found any other sources yet (September 2008) to indicate what the name of this child was.  J Thomas was the last child of Nicholas and Mary Ann Thomas.  From his age of 7 in 1870, we see he was born in about 1863, perhaps in late 1862.

    This gives us a narrower range of possible death dates for his father Nicholas.  Nicholas is enumerated in the 1860 census in Brazos County, Texas, with his wife Mary Ann, but has died before the 1870 census.  He does not appear in the Cottonwood Cemetery with other members of the Thomas family.

    1870 Federal Census, Brazos County, Texas, 16 June, PO Bryan, page 2, Hse/Fam #11
    Thomas, M A  49 F W Keeping House $3000 Real Estate value $240 Personal b Prussia
    Thomas, J  7 M W $0 Real Estate value $100 b Texas


  • 1. 1870 Federal Census, Brazos County, Texas
    • 16 June, PO Bryan, page 2, Hse/Fam #11

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