Glenn H COWART2,1,5,6,7,3,8,4
14th Apr 18341,2,3,4 - 8th Apr 18832,3
Life History
14th Apr 1834 |
Born in Rutherford District, North Carolina.1,2,3,4 |
1st Dec 1857 |
Married Martha Jane PETTIT in Pickens County, Georgia.6,7 |
1859 |
Birth of son Martin Monroe COWART in Georgia.9,10,1,11,3,4 |
9th Apr 1860 |
Birth of son John Henry COWART in Georgia.1,2,3,4 |
3rd Dec 1861 |
Birth of son Jefferson D COWART in Georgia.12,3,4,13 |
about 1863 |
Birth of daughter Mary J COWART in Georgia.12,4 |
10th Apr 1865 |
Birth of daughter Cynthia A COWART in Pickens County, Georgia.12,14,4,3 |
19th Sep 1867 |
Birth of son Abraham Washington COWART in Georgia.12,3,4,15 |
15th Mar 1869 |
Birth of daughter Eleanor L COWART in Georgia.12,3 |
about 1871 |
Birth of daughter Francis H COWART in Georgia.12,16 |
about 1875 |
Birth of daughter Susannah COWART in Georgia.12 |
1880 |
Resident in Truckwheel, Pickens, Georgia.1 |
8th Apr 1883 |
Died in Pickens County, Georgia.2,3 |
after 8th Apr 1883 |
Buried in Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery, Jasper, Pickens County, Georgia.3 |
- Glenn's last name is sometimes spelled Coward. This s true also of his sisters Winny Coward and Martha Coward. Glenn's name was spelled Coward on his marriage license. Several trees report him as David Glenn Cowart, and his memorial on Find a Grave has David "Glenn" Cowart, indicating that Glenn is only a nickname, but I have been able to find nothing that refers to him by both these given names. None of the trees I have checked have any documentation for the double name.
Georgia, Marriage Records From Select Counties, 1828-1978
Glenn Coward
Martha Jane Pettit
License issued 28 November 1858
Marriage 1 December 1857 Pickens County, Georgia, USA
Ceremony by John Daniel, JP
Recorded Pickens County Marriage Book, p 130
U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865
Glenn Cowart
Enlistment 15 Jun 1862 as Private in Company A, Georgia 56th Infantry Regiment
Survived the War
Roster of Confederate Soldiers of Georgia 1861-1865
1870 Federal Census, Pickens County, Georgia, 29 July, P O Jasper, page 190, Hse/Fam #928
Cowart, Glenn 35 M W Druggist $150 Real Estate $1000 Personal Estate b Georgia [b abt 1835]
Cowart, Martha J H 32 F W Keeping House b Georgia [b abt 1838]
Cowart, Martin M 12 M W Attending School b Georgia [b abt 1858]
Cowart, John H 10 M W Attending School b Georgia [b abt 1860]
Cowart, Jefferson D 8 M W Attending School b Georgia [b abt 1862]
Cowart, Mary J 6 F W Attending School b Georgia [b abt 1864]
Cowart, Cynthia 4 M W At Home b Georgia [b abt 1866]
Cowart, Abraham 3 M W b Georgia[b abt 1867]
Cowart, Ellenor 1 M W b Georgia [b abt 1869]
1880 Federal Census, Pickens County, Georgia, 8 June, Truckwheel District, Enumeration District 162, pages 13-14, Hse #115, Fam #116
Cowart, Glenn W M 46 Farmer NC NC NC [b abt 1836]
Cowart, Martha J W F 43 Wife Keeping House NC NC NC
Cowart, Martin M W F 21 Son Working on Farm GA NC NC
Cowart, John Henry W F 20 Son Working on Farm GA NC NC
- page 14 -
Cowart, Jefferson D W M 19 Son Working on Farm GA NC NC
Cowart, Mary Jane W F 17 Dau At Home GA NC NC
Cowart, Cintha A W F 15 Dau At Home Cannot read or write GA NC NC
Cowart, Abram W M 13 Son Works on Farm Cannot read or write GA NC NC
Cowart, Eleanor W F 11 Dau At Home Cannot read or write GA NC NC
Cowart, Francis H W F 9 Dau GA NC NC
Cowart, Susannah W F 5 Dau GA NC NC
Some genealogies report that Eleanor's middle name was Lena.
A daughter named Lena is linked to Glenn and Martha Jane on their Find a Grave memorials. But this Lena does not appear in the 1880 census for this family and all the other chidlren are accounted for. Further, Lena's birth place is reported as Towns County. There is no indication that Glenn and Martha lived in Towns County. The birthday of the Lena in Towns County is reported to be in 1973, while the ages reproted for Eleanor in the censuses makes her birth abotu 1869.
Lena Cowart Owenby
BIRTH 2 Jan 1873 Towns County, Georgia, USA
DEATH 31 Jan 1953 (aged 80)
BURIAL North Mount Zion Church of God Cemetery, Hiawassee, Towns County, Georgia, USA
David "Glenn" Cowart
Birth 14 Apr 1833 Rutherford County, North Carolina, USA
Death 8 Apr 1883 (aged 49) Jasper, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
Burial Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery, Jasper, Pickens County, Georgia
Benjamin David Cowart 1807-1882
Katherine Bailey Cowart 1811-1881
Spouse Martha Jane Pettit Cowart 1837-1912 (m. 1857)
Hiram Dee Cowart 1835-1910
Harriet Cowart White 1837-1921
Alfred Webb Cowart 1839-1900
Thomas N Cowart 1840-1863
Benjamin Miles Cowart 1842-1910
Joseph Lewis Cowart 1844 - unknown
Catherine Cowart Mealer 1845-1874
Jessie Padgett Cowart 1852-1930
Drusilla Cowart Mealer 1854-1936
Rachel Cowart Akins 1855-1917
Martin Monroe Cowart 1859-1919
John Henry Cowart 1860-1926
Jefferson Davis Cowart 1861-1911
Abraham Washington Cowart 1867-1951
Eleanor L Cowart Taylor 1869-1955
Lena Cowart Owenby 1873-1953
Maintained by Gary Cowart, Originally Created by Evening Blues 6 Jul 2006
-- Find A Grave Memorial 14841677,
- 1. 1880 Federal Census, Pickens County, Georgia
- 8 June, Truckwheel, District 162, page 13, Hse #115, Family #116
- 2. One World Tree (sm)
- 3. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 4. 1870 Federal Census, Pickens County, Georgia
- 29 July, P O Jasper, page 190, Hse/Fam #928
- 5. U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995
- Atlanta, Georgia, City Directory, 1948, p 362
- 6. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
- 7. Georgia, Marriage Records From Select Counties, 1828-1978
- 8. U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865
- 9. One World Tree (sm)
- 10. Mullinnix Files by Dorothy
- 11. 1910 Federal Census, Pickens County, Georgia
- 15 April, Jasper, District 128, page 2A, Hse/Fam #22
- 12. 1880 Federal Census, Pickens County, Georgia
- 8 June, Truckwheel District, Enumeration District 162, page 14, Hse #115, Fam #116
- 13. 1900 Federal Census, Pickens County, Georgia
- 6 June, Town District, Enumeration District 113, page 8B, Hse #97, Fam #98
- 14. Georgia, Deaths Index, 1914-1940
- 15. 1900 Federal Census, Pickens County, Georgia
- 6 June, Town District, Enumeration District 113, page 8A, Hse #90, Fam #91
- 16. 1900 Federal Census, Pickens County, Georgia
- 6 June, Town District, Enumeration District 113, page 8B, Hse #90, Fam #91
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