Clarence O'neil YATES7,2,1,3,8,9,10,11,4,12,13,5,14,15
23rd Jul 19166,2 - 27th Jul 19771,5
Life History
23rd Jul 1916 |
Born in Oklahoma.2,1,3,4,5 (most likely) |
10th Jul 1928 |
Born in Oklahoma.6,2 (less likely) |
31st Mar 1934 |
Married Dora Blanche TEETERS in Caddo County, Oklahoma.9,14 |
after 1940 |
Married Dorothy Elvana GOLDEN in Oklahoma.11 |
after 1940 |
Divorced from Dora Blanche TEETERS in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma.11 |
27th Jul 1977 |
Died in Pauls Valley, Garvin, Oklahoma.1,5 |
after 23rd Jan 1997 |
Buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Pauls Valley, Garvin, Oklahoma.1 |
- I was uncertain about the spelling, remembering this older cousin from my early childhood, but never having seen the name written down. I thought of the name as O'Neil. I found the officially recorded spelling in the Social Security Death Index was O'Neal.
However, the name is spelled in other records and family references as O'Neil. His father's name appears as Neill or Neil. On a photo at age 14 months, the name appeared to be spelied Oneal, with no apostrophe, but hte A was malformed and was dotted like an I.
1920 Federal Census, Wichita County, Texas, 13 January, Burkburnett Town, District 197, page 8B, Hse #157, Fam #203
Yates, Neil Head M W 23 OK TX TX Driller, Oilfield
Yates, Mary M Wife F W 22 OK TX TX
Yates, O'Neil O C Son M W 2 OK OK OK
1930 Federal Census, Caddo County, Oklahoma, 4 April, North Cobb Township. District 44, page 3A, Hse/Fam #40
Yates, Neil Head M W 33 Married at age 18 OK OK TX Farmer
Yates, Mary H Wife F W 32 Married at age 17 OK TX TX
Oneil Son M W 13 OK OK OK
Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995
O'Neil Yates, Age 21
Resident of Chickasha, Grady County, Oklahoma
Birth Date abt 1913
Spouse Dora Teeter, age 18
Resident of Chickasha, Grady County, Oklahoma
License issued 30 March 1934
Marriage 31 Mar 1934 in Cement, Caddo County, Oklahoma, USA
Ceremony performed by Rev F W Sprague, Jr, Minister of the Christian Church
Witnesss Gaylord Alexander, Jim Snell
Recorded 1 April 1934, Caddo County Marriage Book, p 482
In Jenkins family records, the family always spells it Neil and O'Neil. In June 2014 I found a 1935 City Directory in Oklahoma City with the family spelling I remembered. Right after that I found an entry in the Chickasha Directory with the name spelled O'Neal. This record indicates that O'Neil was married to Dora Teeters some time before 1935. I have not found their marriage information.
U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989
Chickasha, Oklahoma, City Directory, 1935, p 323
Yates C O'Neal (Dora B) r 828 W Dakota av
In 1937, they were reported in the City Directory for Pampa, Texas, in the Texas Panhandle.
U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989
Pampa, Texas, City Directory, 1937, p 245
Yates C O'Neil (Dora) clrk Furr Food Stores No 2 4 323 S Russell
But then the next year they were in Oklahoma City.
U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, City Directory, 1938, p 805
Yates C O'Neil (Dora B) driver h 100 SE 22d
Neil Yates (Mary) ftr Feenberg Supply Co h 117 SW 27th
I found later city directory listings for Clarence and Dora Yates in Grand Junction, Colorado. But they had his middle initial as H. This seemed like them, but then I found a 1920 census, reporting they were both born in Arkansas, which was not right for our Clarence O'Neil and Dora Teeters. I then found the marriage record in Arkansas. Clarence Yates married Dora Hazelwood in Hot Spring County, Arkansas.
I have not found information on Dora and O'Neil's marriage. He was married a second time, but I do have any information on when. He has a different wife reported on his gravestone, but he died 9 years before Dora.
In 1939, O'Neil is listed again in the Oklahoma City direcotry with the same type of job at another grocer. Note that no wife is reported here. This seemed a possible indication of when he and Dora divorced. His parents Neil and Mary are also listed in this directory. But then I found them together with two children in his parents' home in Oklahoma City.
U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, City Directory, 1939, p 795
C O'neil Yates clk Ferrier's Gros & Mkt r 645 SE 31st
1940 Federal Census, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, 3 April, Oklahoma City Ward 4, District 78-158, page 2B, 645 31st St, Hse #40, Owns $900
Yates, Neil Head M W 42 Married Grade 6 Oklahoma Rural Grey County TX in 1935 Farmer [b abt 1898]
Yates, Mary N Wife M W 41 Married Grade 8 b Oklahoma Rural Grey County TX in 1935 [b abt 1899]
Yates, Betty Jo Dau F W 16 Grade H2 b Texas Rural Grey County TX in 1935 [b abt 1924]
- Hse #41, Hse #40, Rents $3 -
Yates, Oneil Son M W 23 Married Grade H1 b Oklahoma Rural Grey County TX in 1935 [b abt 1936]
Yates, Dora Wife F W 21 Grade H2 b Illinois Rural Grey County TX in 1935 [b abt 1924]
Yates, Jerry Son M W 1 Single b Texas [b abt 1939]
- page 3A -
Yates, Judy Kay Dau F W 1mo Single b Oklahoma [b abt Mar 1940]
They were in California for some period of time. Their daughter Kathryn Sue was born in Los Angeles County.
California Birth Index, 1905-1995
Kathryn Sue Yates
Birth 24 Apr 1943 Los Angeles County
Mother's Maiden Name Teeters
A 1958 city directory reports they were in Amarillo, Texas at that time, where both of them were working at C R Anthony Store.
U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995
Amarillo, Texas, City Directory, 1958, p 714
Yates C E [sic] (Dora) slsmn C R Anthony h 417 W Bonita
Yates Dora clk C R Anthony r 417 W Bonita
In March 2019, O'Neil and Dora's daughter Kathryn contacted me to introduce herself and give me some details about their family.
"Mary was my grandmother and I know that I remember meeting Asa which would then would have been her dad once when I was very very young. [Asa was Mary's brothere; their dad went by Joe, his full name being Joseph Asa.] Jerry and Judy would have met and been around grandmother's family more because when they were fifteen or sixteen, they moved to Paul’s Valley, OK to live with our dad (C O Yates). Jerry Yates was born May 2, 1938 and Judy on Feb 14, 1940. I, Kathryn, was born in Whittier, CA. On Apr. 24, 1943 and Betty Jean was born in Anadarko, OK on Sept. 14, 1946. Shortly after Jeanie was born, dad left us. All of us siblings are still alive and have grandchildren and great grandchildren."
-- Kathryn Yates John, Geneanet Messaging to Orville Boyd Jenkins, 9 March 2019
There are public records reporting him resident in Pauls Valley, Garvin, County, Oklahoma, but they do not have dates. The move to that area may relate to O'Neil's second marriage, since that is where he and Dorothy were living when each of them died.They were buried in Pauls Valley.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 2
Clarence O Yates
Address 105 Washington St, Pauls Valley, OK, 73075-5039
1512 S East Ave, Pauls Valley, OK, 73075-6403
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Clarence Yates
23 Jul 1916
Died Jul 1977
Last Residence Pauls Valley, Garvin, Oklahoma73075
SSN 464-07-1670 issued Texas (Before 1951)
Clarence O'Neil Yates
Birth Jul 23, 1916 Oklahoma
Death Jul 27, 1977 Pauls Valley, Garvin County, Oklahoma
Neil Yates (1896 - 1962)
Mary Nettie Jenkins Yates (1897 - 1991)
Dora Blanche Teeters Lobaugh 1917-2006 (m. 1934)
Dorothy Elvana Golden Yates (1922 - 2010)
Mary Ann Hampton 1919-2007
Betty Jo Yates Dunford 1924-2016
Grover Cleve Yates 1927-1931
Burial Mount Olivet Cemetery, Pauls Valley, Garvin County, Oklahoma, Section 2, Block 2, Lot 15, Space 1
Created by william robinson Aug 22, 2012
-- Find A Grave Memorial #95771875,
- 1. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 2. 1920 Federal Census, Wichita County, Texas
- 13 January, Burkburnett Town, District 197, page 8B, Hse #157, Fam #203
- 3. 1930 Federal Census, Caddo County, Oklahoma
- 4 April, North Cobb Township. District 44, page 3A, Hse/Fam #40
- 4. 1940 Federal Census, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
- 3 April, Oklahoma City Ward 4, District 78-158, page 2B, 645 31st St, Hse #41, Hse #40, Rents $3
- 5. U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
- 6. SSDI Broderbund Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 4
- 7. Orville Boyd Jenkins, Personal Knowledge
- 8. U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, City Directory, 1938, p 805
- 9. U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995
- Chickasha, Oklahoma, City Directory, 1935, p 323
- 10. U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995
- Pampa, Texas, City Directory, 1937, p 245
- 11. U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, City Directory, 1939, p 795
- 12. Texas, Birth Index, 1903-1997
- 13. U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995
- Amarillo, Texas, City Directory, 1958, p 714
- 14. Oklahoma, County Marriage Records, 1890-1995
- 15. Geneanet Messaging
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