Life History
29th Jul 1896 |
Born in Faulkner County, Arkansas.1,2,3 |
29th Jun 1902 |
Other facts
Buried in Sixteenth Section Cemetery, Austin, Lonoke County, Arkansas.3 |
- 1900 Federal Census, Faulkner County, Arkansas, 28 June, Wilson Township, District 32, page 12A, Hse #198, Fam #201
Parker, Joe Head W M Feb 1875 25 Married 6 yrs AR -- AR Farmer Owns
Parker, Bettie Wife W F Jun 1879 20 Married 6 yrs 2 children/2 living AR AR AR
Parker, Elayne Dau W F July 1896 3 Single AR AR AR
Parker, Malvern Son W M July 1898 1 Single AR AR AR
"Joe T Parker, my paternal grandfather, divorced his first wife, Bettie Fiddler, shortly after their two children were born. Both children died in infancy."
-- C Parker, Comment on this genealogy on, 18 April 2016
Elayne's brother Malvern lived until August 1902. He is buried with her in Austin in Lonoike County, Arkansas. Their markers oare on the opposite sides of the same stone.
Gracy Elayne Parker
Birth Jul 29, 1896
Death Jun 29, 1902
Father Joe T Parker (1875 - 1961)
Inscription: Day by day our homes grow brighter as we near the shining shore for we know across the river waits the loved ones gone before
Note: Memorial (east side) is very faint used sidewalk chalk to read; it is on the other side of Malvern Parker [her brother]
Burial Sixteenth Section Cemetery, Austin, Lonoke County, Arkansas, Section A
Created by Jacque Jun 29, 2014
-- Find A Grave Memorial #132089236,
- 1. 1900 Federal Census, Faulkner County, Arkansas
- 28 June, Wilson Township, District 32, page 12A, Hse #198, Fam #201
- 2. 1910 Federal Census, Faulkner County, Arkansas
- 28 June, Wilson Township, District 32, page 12A, Hse #198, Fam #201
- 3. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 4. Ancestry Comments