Jesse Quitman CRISWELL1,2,3,11,4,6
also known as Jesse B CRISWELL8,7
also known as Jessie CRISWELL1,10
9th Sep 18958 - 16th Jun 197510,4,6
Life History
Sep 1892 |
Born in Ethel, Arkansas, Arkansas.8 (less likely) |
9th Sep 1895 |
Born in Ethel, Arkansas, Arkansas.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (most likely) |
between 1900 and 1942 |
Resident in Prairie Township (Ethel), Arkansas, Arkansas.1,3,8,9,5 |
about 1920 |
Married Lavada Mae WEST.1,3 |
30th Aug 1921 |
Birth of son William Henry CRISWELL in Ethel, Arkansas, Arkansas.2,12,3,13,14,15 |
16th Jun 1975 |
Died in Ethel, Arkansas, Arkansas.10,4,6 |
after 16th Jun 1975 |
Buried in Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel, Arkansas County, Arkansas.6 |
- The Simons genealogy gives the name as Jesse B. No source is given for the name or date of birth in this source. The gravestone has Jesse Q, and the Essex Funeral Home burial registry gives the full name as Jesse Quitman. I have not found information that would indicate two different persons named Jesse Criswell.
The names of Jesse (Jessie) B and Jesse (Jessie) Q (Quitman) seem to refer to the same person. But it is not clear what the initial B means or why it appears sometimes. Only one child named Jesse appears in the Criswell or Simons genealogies I have found.
The greatest difference, however is in the birth date. Simons reports July 1892, while the grave has 9 September 1895, a difference of 3 years and 2 months! I have found no sources in the Simons online information, so I have gone with the firm date I have seen.
The other information of this individual and family are so similar this must be the same family, despite the great discrepancy of birth dates.
Also the age of the mother is a bit of a problem. Simons is the only source where I have found the family as a whole, originally online but no longer posted. Others I found later are similar. If the dates of birth and ages of parents are correct, Martha A Jackson Criswell remained fecund into her fifties. This is quite unusual, but the information seems to make sense otherwise. Martha would have been 52 when Jesse was born.
The 1900 census reports Jessie and his siblings in their parents' home in Prairie Township of Arkansas County Arkansas. This census reports birth month and year of birth:
1900 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 16 June 1900, Prairie Township, District 7, Page 11B, Hse #192, Family #195
William H Criswell Head W M Mar 1840 60 Alabama Alabama Alabama
Martha A Criswell Wife W F Apr 1840 60 Alabama Georgia Georgia
Thomas Criswell Son W M Mar 1881 19 Miss Alabama Alabama
Robert F Criswell Son W M Aug 1882 17 Miss Alabama Alabama
Joseph L Criswell Son W M Jul 1884 15 Miss Alabama Alabama
Edward M Criswell Son W M Jun 1886 13 Miss Alabama Alabama
Maggie E Criswell Dau W F Apr 1888 12 Ark Alabama Alabama
Lee R Criswell Son W M May 1890 10 Ark Alabama Alabama
Jesse B Criswell Son W M Sep 1892 7 Ark Alabama Alabama
This census reports both William and Martha born in Alabama. Most sources report his birth place as South Carolina. The latter seems to be correct. The Simon Family genealogy reporting on the Criswells gives his and his wife's birth as Attala, Mississippi, where many of their children were born. In several of the children's census reports, their father's birthplace is reported as South Carolina, and once in Harvey's record, it is North Carolina. Martha's birth state is usually reported as Alabama.
In the censuses for 1910 and 1920, William is reported as born in South Carolina. In 1880, the record for his son James indicated that William (James' father) was born in Alabama, as the 1900 census. Subsequent censuses, however, reported James' father born in South Carolina, matching the earlier reports for William himself. I find that family genealogies usually report William was born in South Carolina, Abbeville District, specifically.
1910 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 16 April, Prairie Township, District 13, page 1A, Hse/Fam #7
Criswell, William H Head M W 69 Married 43 yrs SC SC SC Farmer
Martha A Wife F W 59 Married 43 yrs AL TN GA
Criswell, Maggie D Dau F W 20 AR SC AL
Criswell, Lee J Son W M 18 Ark SC AL
Criswell, Jesse B Son W M 15 Ark SC AL [born abt 1895]
Cochran, Hal Hired Man W M 18 Ark Miss Miss
I also find another entry for what seems to be the same person. Jesse Criswell, age 14, is listed in the household of his brother Thomas, 4 days later. Thomas is a son of William and Martha, so this must be the same Jesse (Jessie, Jesse B or Jesse Q). Jesse's information is the same in this entry as for that for Jesse B in the household of his parents, except for one small difference.
The age for Jesse B is 15. the age for Jesse in Thomas' household appears to have been entered as 15, then a 4 written over the 15. If his birthday was in September, then his age was actually 14 at the time of this April census. I have found several double enumerations for persons in Prairie Township families in the 1910 and 1920 censuses.
1910 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 20 April, District 18, Sheet 3A, Prairie Township, Ethel & Point Rd, Hse/Fam #121
Criswell, Thomas Head Male W 30 Marriage1 4years MS SC AL
Criswell, Lida Wife Female W 24 Marriage2 4years Ark MS MS
McSwain, Albert Step-son Male W 5 Ark Ark Ark
Criswell, Jesse Brother Male W 14 Single AR AR AR Farm Laborer
In 1920, Jesse's name is spelled Jessie, which is usually the female spelling of the name.
1920 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 5 January, Prairie Township, District 15, page 1A, Country Road, Hse/Fam #4
Criswell, William H Head Rents Farm M W 74 Widowed SC SC SC Farmer
Criswell, Jessie [sic] Son M W 24 Single AR SC SC Farm Laborer
Criswell, Maggie Dau F W 30 Single AR SC SC
Criswell, Woodrow Grandson M W 4 Single AR AR AR
After finding him in all these censuses, I found Jesse's Draft Registration for both WWI and WWII. For WWI, he is registered as simply Jesse Criswell, and he signed it as Jesie Criswell (only one S). But for WWII, his name is Jessie Quitman Criswell and he signed it Jessie Criswell.
For both Draft Registrations he is living at Ethel, Arkansas County, Arkansas. Ethel is his birthplace. His birth date is given as 9 September 1895. He is described as being of medium height, and slender build, having Grey eyes and Brown hair. In 1917, he is a single Farmer. he says he is supporting his father, although the census for 1920 reports that William is Head of the house and a Farmer. The 1942 registration gives his wife's name as Lavada Criswell. He is self-employed, but his occupation is not given, presumably a Farmer.
1930 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 16 April, District 7, Sheet 5A, Prairie Township, Ethel & Point Rd, Hse #88, Fam #89
Criswell, Jesse Q Head M W 34 Married at 24 AR SC AL Farmer
Criswell, Nevad (Lavada) M Wife F W 28 Married at 18 TX AR Indiana
Criswell, W H Son M W 8 AR AR AR
Criswell, Nora M Dau F W 4yrs 1mo AR AR TX
Notice that the birthplace of the mother of the two children is different. But the information indicates that this couple have been married for about 10 years, and that Lavada is the mother of both children. Jesse and Lavada must have married in 1920.
1940 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 18 April, Prairie Township, District 1-18, page 9B, Oak Flat Rd, Hse #146 Rents $500
Criswell, Jessie Head M W 45 Grade 3 b Ark same place in 1935 Farmer
Criswell, Lavada Wife F W 37 Grade 8 b Ark same place in 1935 Housekeeper
Criswell, W H Son M W 18 Grade 3 b Ark same place in 1935 Farm Laborer
Criswell, Nora Dau F W 14 Grade 6 b Ark same place in 1935
Criswell, Jessie Jr Son M W 4 Grade 2 b Ark same place in 1935
Criswell, Audrey Dau F W 4 Grade 0 b Ark
Criswell, Woodrow Nephew M W 24 Grade 0 b Ark same place in 1935
Jessie Quitman Criswell
Birth Sep. 9, 1895 Ethel, Arkansas County, Arkansas
Death Jun. 16, 1975 Ethel, Arkansas County, Arkansas
Father William Henry Criswell (1841 - 1924)
Spouse Lavada May West Criswell (1902 - 1997)
Burial Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Arkansas County, Arkansas
Created by Susan Criswell Ecker Aug 07, 2013
-- Find A Grave Memorial #115058481,
- 1. U.S., World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
- Jesse Quitman Criswell, signs name as Jessie
- 2. 1940 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 18 April, Prairie Township, District 1-18, page 9B, Oak Flat Rd, Hse #146 Rents $500
- 3. 1930 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 16 April, District 7, Sheet 5A, Prairie Township, Ethel & Point Rd, Hse #88, Fam #89
- 4. Gravestone of Jessie Q Criswell, Mt Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel, Arkansas
- 5. U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
- Jesse Criswell, signs as Jesie [sic] Criswell
- 6. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 7. 1910 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 16 April, Prairie Township, District 13, page 1B, Hse/Fam #7
- 8. 1900 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 16 June, Prairie Township, District 7, Page 11B, Hse #192, Family #195
- 9. 1910 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 20 April, Prairie Township, District 18, Page 3A, Ethel & Point Rd, Hse/Fam #121
- 10. Social Security Death Index
- 11. Essex Funeral Home Registry
- Location:;
- BOOK XVII ----- 12 February 1974 - 13 February 1978, p. 47
- 12. U.S., World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
- 13. Kevin McSwain, email to Orville Boyd Jenkins, January 2007
- 14. Ancestry Trees
- 15. Gravestones of Mt Pleasant Cemetery
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