about 18161,2,3,4 - after 18705
Life History
about 1816 |
Born in North Carolina.1,2,3,4 |
13th Nov 1833 |
Married William B MCSWAIN in Rutherford County, North Carolina.5,7,6 |
about 1837 |
Birth of son Robert MCSWAIN in North Carolina.8,1 |
about 1840 |
Birth of daughter Louisa MCSWAIN in Cleveland County, North Carolina.2,1,4 |
Jul 1842 |
Birth of son Timmons MCSWAIN in North Carolina.9,1,2 |
about 1846 |
Birth of son Puryear MCSWAIN in North Carolina.2 |
about 1850 |
Birth of son William MCSWAIN in North Carolina.2 |
after 1870 |
Died in North Carolina.5 |
- David Holden has great detail about the McSwain lineage, though little or no documentatoin. He reports Sarah as the daughter of Thomas McSwain's second wife Frances Bridges. But at the time Sarah was born, her father's wife was Jane McSwain. Jane died in Sept 1817, perhaps in childbirth with Sarah.
Sarah McSwain
Birth ABT 1816 in North Carolina
Death AFT 1870
Father Thomas McSwain b: 8 Sep 1796 in North Carolina
Mother Francis Bridges b: 24 Dec 1794 in North Carolina
Marriage William B. McSwain b: ABT 1815 in North Carolina
Married 13 Nov 1833
1. Robert McSwain b: ABT 1836 in North Carolina
2. Louisa McSwain b: ABT 1840 in North Carolina
3. Timmons McSwain b: ABT Jul 1842 in North Carolina
4. Preior Edmund McSwain b: ABT 1846 in North Carolina
5. William McSwain b: ABT 1849 in North Carolina
-- David Holden, http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=dwh1951&id=I12987
North Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2004
William, McSwain Jr
Spouse Sarah McSwain
Marriage 13 Nov 1833 Rutherford County, North Carolina
North Carolina, Index to Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
William McSwain Jr
Spouse Sarah McSwain
Bond 13 Nov 1833
Bondsman William McSwain
Rutherford County
Record #01 207
Witness W G Irvine, Justice of the Peace
North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
1850 Federal Census, Cleveland County, North Carolina, 4 September, page 315, Hse/Fam #573
William McSwain 35 M Farmer $460 Real Estate b NC Cannot read or write [b abt 1815]
Sarah McSwain 34 F b NC Cannot read or write [b abt 1816]
Robert McSwain 14 M Farmer NC [b abt 1836]
Luiza McSwain 10 F b NC [b abt 1840]
Timons McSwain 8 M Farmer b NC [b abt 1833]
Puryear McSwain 2 M NC [b abt June 1848]
Burrell McSwain 22 M Farmer b NC [b abt 1828]
Burrell apears to be a younger brother of William, reported in later censuses as Burwell and is reported in severzl genealogies as the son of Wililam McSwain (b 1792) and Mary Nancy Bridges.
1860 Federal Census, Cleveland County, North Carolina, 14 August, page 72, Hse/Fam #515
W B McSwain 45 M Farmer $550 Real Estate $465 Personal born North Carolina Cannot read or write [b abt 1815]
Sarah McSwain 44 F born North Carolina [b abt 1816]
Louisa McSwain 20 F born North Carolina [b abt 1840]
Timmons McSwain 18 M Farm Laborer born North Carolina [b abt 1842]
Prior McSwain 14 M Laborer born North Carolina [b abt 1846]
William McSwain 11 M born North Carolina [b abt 1849]
By 1880, there is only one child still with them, their daughter Louisa, who has been widowed. A 7-tear-old grandson named Floyd is also in the home. He may be a son of Louisa. If so, she apparently married a man also named McSwain, a common event in this heavily-populated county where McSwains had lived for generations.
1880 Federal Census, Cleveland County, North Carolina, 23 July, Rippys, District 67, page 32, Hse/Fam #285
McSwain, William W M 70 Married Farming Cannot read or write NC NC NC [b abt 1810]
McSwain, Sarrah W F 65 Wife Married Keeping House NC NC NC [b abt 1815]
McSwain, Louisza [sic] W F 40 Dau Widow Farm Hand Cannot read or write NC NC NC [b abt 1840]
McSwain, Floyed [sic] W M 7 Son Single NC NC NC Cannot read or write [b abt 1883]
Next door is Preior [Puryear] McSwain and his wife Dulcenia [usually spelled Dulcinea].
1880 Federal Census, Cleveland County, North Carolina, 23 July, Rippys, District 67, page 32, Hse/Fam #286
McSwain, Preior W M 34 Farmer Cannot read or write NC NC NC [b abt 1846]
McSwain, Dulcenia W F 38 Wife House Keeper Cannot read or write NC NC NC [b abt 1842]
McSwain, Ida W F 9 Dau Single NC NC NC Cannot read or write [b abt 1881]
McSwain, Edgar W M 5 Son Single NC NC NC Cannot read or write [b abt 1885]
McSwain, Willia[m] W M 2 Son Single NC NC NC Cannot read or write [b abt 1888]
- 1. 1850 Federal Census, Cleveland County, North Carolina
- 4 September, page 315, Hse/Fam #573
- 2. 1860 Federal Census, Cleveland County, North Carolina
- 14 August, page 72, Hse/Fam #515
- 3. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 4. 1880 Federal Census, Cleveland County, North Carolina
- 23 July, Rippys, District 67, page 32, Hse/Fam #285
- 5. RootsWeb Trees
- 6. North Carolina, Index to Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
- 7. North Carolina, Marriage Collection, 1741-2004
- 8. 1860 Federal Census, Cleveland County, North Carolina
- 14 August, page 72, Hse/Fam #513
- 9. 1900 Federal Census, Cleveland County, North Carolina
- 29 June, Shelby, District 55, Page 21B, Hse/Fam #388
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