James Kenneth HORTON6,2,1,3,5,4,7
19th May 19291,2,3,4 - 15th Dec 19923,5,4
Life History
19th May 1929 |
Born in Ethel, Arkansas, Arkansas.1,2,3,4 |
15th Dec 1992 |
Died in Ethel, Arkansas, Arkansas.3,5,4 |
after 15th Dec 1992 |
Buried in Cedarcrest Memorial Gardens, DeWitt, Arkansas County, Arkansas.4 |
- James Kenneth Horton was born and also died in Ethel, Arkansas County, Arknasas.
1930 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 25 April, Ethel, District 1-25, page 8B, Ethel & Chute Rd, Hse #149, Fam #150
Horton, Mack Head Owns $9000 M W 36 First Married at age 28 AR MS MS Farmer [b abt 1894]
Horton, Susie Wife F W 25 First Married at age 17 AR AR AR [b abt 1905]
Horton, Geraldene Dau F W 7 AR AR AR [b abt 1923]
Horton, Nora Dau F W 5 AR AR AR [b abt 1925]
Horton, Herman M Son M W 3yrs4mos AR AR AR [b abt Dec 1926]
Horton, Kenneth Son M W 10mos AR AR AR [b abt May 1929]
1940 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 12 April, Ethel, District 1-26, page 6A, Belleview Road, Hse #86, Own $400
Horton, Mack Head M W 46 Married Grade 7 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 Farmer [b abt 1894]
Horton, Susie Wife F W 36 Married Grade 6 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 Housekeeper [b abt 1904]
Horton, Geraldine Dau F W 17 Single Grade H3 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 [b abt 1923]
Horton, Nora Dau F W 15 Single Grade 7 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 [b abt 1923]
Horton, Herman Son M W 13 Single Grade 6 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 [b abt 1927]
** Horton, Kenneth Son M W 10 Single Grade 6 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 [b abt 1930] **
Horton, Haynes Son M W 8 Single Grade 6 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 [b abt 1932]
Horton, Jimmie Son M W 5 Single Grade 6 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 [b abt 1935]
Horton, Floyd Son M W 3 Single Grade 6 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 [b abt 1937]
Horton, Edna Dau F W 4mos Single Grade 0 b Arkansas Same House in 1935 [b abt Nov 1939]
A Social Security record clarifies that one child was named James Kenneth. The birth date of 19 May 1929 here correlates with the 1930 and 1940 census reports for the child named Kenneth. But note that the 1840 census also reports another son, 5 years old, named Jimmie. Jimmie is the common nickname for James. Did they name one son James Kenneth and the other son Jimmie as the given nmae? Seems odd.
U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
James Kenneth Horton [James K Horton]
Birth 19 May 1929 Ethel Ark, Arkansas
Death Date 15 Dec 1992
Father Richard M Horton
Mother Susie A Turner
SSN 432788369
Mar 1960 Name listed as JAMES KENNETH HORTON; 22 Dec 1992 Name listed as JAMES K HORTON
The name Kenneth does not appear in the lsit of children of Mack and Susie Horton posted on Facebook by one of their grandchildren. James appears with the bickname Boodler. Als in this list is a Jimmy, which normally stands for James. They must have had one child named James and another named simply the nickname Jimmy as the given name.
Mack and Susie Horton Memorial Facebook
"Mother's Six Sisters & Six Brothers"
Geraldine, Nora, Max [Herman], James (Boodler), Haynes, Jimmy, Floyd, Sue, Linda, Judy, Tommy, Nancy, Polly
-- Mack and Susie Horton Memorial Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.153512121341252.36747.153501711342293&type=1
Edith McSwain Jenkins, a neighbor and cousin of the Hortons, reports that the way she heard James' nickname all her life was Booler.
-- Cousain Edith McSwain Jenkins, personal communication to Orville Boyd Jenkins, 20 July 2016
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
James K Horton
Born 19 May 1929
Died 15 Dec 1992
Last Residence Ethel, Arkansas, Arkansas 72048
SSN 432-78-8369 issued Arkansas (1960)
James Kenneth Horton
Birth May 18, 1929
Deat Dec 15, 1992
Inscription: PFC US Army Korea
Burial Cedarcrest Memorial Gardens, De Witt, Arkansas County, Arkansas
Created by Ruby Allen Jun 01, 2016
-- Find A Grave Memorial #163601750, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=163601750&ref=acom
- 1. 1930 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 25 April, Ethel, District 1-25, page 8B, Ethel & Chute Rd, Hse #149, Fam #150
- 2. 1940 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 12 April, Ethel, District 1-26, page 6A, Belleview Road, Hse #86, Own $400
- 3. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
- 4. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 5. U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
- 6. Mack and Susie Horton Memorial Facebook
- "Mother's Six Sisters & Six Brothers"
- 7. Obituary of Herman Max Horton, Times-Herald, Forrest City, Arkansas, 13 February 2009
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