20th Nov 1896 |
1916 |
Resident In their marriage license, both Ava and Henry Christian reported their residence as Mountain View in Kiowa County. Thier ceremony was in Cottonwood, Washita County, to the north of Mountain View, across the Washita River. in Mountain View, Kiowa, Oklahoma.2 |
24th Dec 1916 |
Married Henry C CHRISTIAN in Cottonwood, Washita, Oklahoma.1,2 |
14th Feb 1919 |
Birth of son Charles Elliott CHRISTIAN in Mountain View, Kiowa, Oklahoma.1,9,12 |
between 1920 and 1930 |
Resident in Oakdale, Washita, Oklahoma.1,4 |
14th Apr 1921 |
Birth of daughter Vera Esther CHRISTIAN in Mountain View, Kiowa, Oklahoma.1,8,12 |
31st Jul 1923 |
Birth of son Glen Eugene CHRISTIAN in Mountain View, Kiowa, Oklahoma.1,8,12 |
18th Aug 1925 |
Birth of daughter Margaret CHRISTIAN in Mountain View, Kiowa, Oklahoma.1,12 |
6th Oct 1927 |
Birth of son Alfred Thomas CHRISTIAN in Mountain View, Kiowa, Oklahoma.1,13 |
1948 |
Resident Ava was reported under her second married name, Ava Koshnick, in the 1948 Marysville, California directory, Yuba City section. No residence address was gven, and her hsuband Raymond was not reported, Ava being the only one of that surname. in Yuba City, Sutter, California.5 |
1955 |
Resident Ava & Raymond A Koshnick were reported in the 1955 city directory for Marysville, California, as residents of Yuba City. No occupation is reported for Ava that year. This is the first directory available after the 1948 directory listing Ava Koshnick alone in Yuba City, Sutter, California.6 |
1960 |
Resident The entry in this directory is identical to the 1959, with Ava working as a cook. This is the last directory before Raymond died. In 1961, Ava is listed as the widow of Raymond Kiohnick. She does not appear after 1961. No job is ever listed for Raymond. in Yuba City, Sutter, California.7 |
about 1961 |
Death of Raymond A KOSHNICK in Yuba City, Sutter, California.3,11 |
1961 |
Resident After appearing with her husband Raymond Koshnick in city directories from 1948 to 1960, in 1961 Ava was reported as a widow. She does not appear after that, so we many assume she moved back to Dumas, Texas soon after the 1961 directory. in Yuba City, Sutter, California |
2nd Mar 1974 |
Death of Henry C CHRISTIAN in Dumas, Moore, Texas.14,12,9,3 |
5th Feb 1979 |
Died in Dumas, Moore, Texas.3 Hyperpyrexia, due to Massive CVP, due to Cerebro Arterioslerosis |
7th Feb 1979 |
Buried in Dumas Cemetry, Dumas, Moore County, Texas.3 |
Divorced from Henry C CHRISTIAN in Oklahoma.2 |
Married Raymond A KOSHNICK |
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