Life History
3rd Feb 1926 |
Born in Oklahoma.1,2 |
7th Feb 1953 |
Died.2 |
after 7th Feb 1953 |
Buried in Fairlawn Cemetery, Elk City, Beckham County, Oklahoma.2 |
Other facts
Married Henry Durward MCSWAIN |
- Lois Marie Dodson is reported as the wife of Henry Durward McSwain in two family genealogies, and is the sole wife. These genealogies provide no documentation. I have not found any documentation of Lois as Henry's wife, but have found many documents and records confirming his wife as Leona V, but I have not discovered her maiden name. In searching for further information about Lois Dodson, I have found only the 1910 census of her, in Elk City, Oklahoma, the home of the McSwain family. She is only 4 years old here.
1910 Federal Census, Beckham County, Oklahoma, 17 April, Elk City Ward 4, District 10, Page 11B, 701 West 10th St, Hse #218, Fam #279
Dodson, Roy Head Owns $1000 M W 39 Married at age 18 years MO MO MO Oil Mill Mgr
Dodson, Myrtle Wife F W 36 Married at age 16 TX KY MO
Dodson, Walter W Son M W 19 Single OK MO TX Odd Job Laborer
Dodson, Elva M Dau F W 17 Single OK MO TX Housework
Dodson, Edith M Dau F W 9 Single OK MO TX
Dodson, Mildred R Dau F W 6 Single OK MO TX
Dodson, Ruby L Dau F W 5 Single OK MO TX
Dodson, Lois M Dau F W 4yrs1mo Single OK MO TX
After more searching, I found Lois' burial information. The location and dates fit to confirm her as the first wife of Henry D McSwain.
Lois Marie Dodson McSwain
Birth 1926 [full date is on the grave: 03 Feb 1926]
Death Feb. 7, 1953
Burial Fairlawn Cemetery, Elk City, Beckham County, Oklahoma
Created by Cokeman2 Dec 18, 2011
-- Find A Grave Memorial #82101408,
- 1. 1910 Federal Census, Beckham County, Oklahoma
- 17 April, Elk City Ward 4, District 10, Page 11B, 701 West 10th St, Hse #218, Fam #279
- 2. Find a Grave Memorial Registry