Wayne Laray GREGORY1,2,3
also known as 4,3
17th Aug 19291,2,3 - 19th Mar 20143
Life History
17th Aug 1929 |
Born in Lindsay, Garvin, Oklahoma.1,2,3 |
1951 |
Military: Sergeant First Class, US Army Corp, Co A, 5th Engineer Battalion, 1951-1953.3 |
1953 |
Military service: Sergeant First Class, US Army Corp, Co A, 5th Engineer Battalion, 1951-1953.3 |
1964 |
Resident moved to Midwest City in Midwest City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma.3 |
1984 |
Resident Retired as Captain of Midwest City Fire Dept; had worked there as a firefighter since 1964. in Midwest City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma.3 |
Jun 2013 |
Resident moved from Midwest City to Spring TX In June 2013 in Spring, Harris, Texas.3 |
19th Mar 2014 |
Died in Spring, Harris, Texas.3 |
28th Mar 2014 |
Buried in Resthaven Gardens Cemetery, Oklahoma City, Cleveland County.3 |
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Hoyt Gregory (born 2-7-1908) was the son of Tom and Fannie Gregory. Esther (born 5-16-1909) was the daughter of Sam and Evie Harris. The Harris family lived in Pikes Peak in 1919. Hoyt married Esther Laura and they lived in See Chapel, just east of his parents.
They moved from there to the Pikes Peak community in 1941. They bought Les Sinclair's farm which was located 1 3/4 miles north of the school, west side of the road on Crazy Creek.
The ages of the children at that time were: Wayne Laray "Jack" 12, Obreta Vaun 9 and Roena Marie almost 3 years old. Roena was named for their teacher, Roena (Jones) House from See Chapel.
-- Pikes Peak History Book 1908-2008, p 28, courtesy of Loretta Gregory Gay of Lindsay, Oklahoma, January 2020
1940 Federal Census, Garvin County, Oklahoma, 25 April, Lindsay, District 25-11, page 11A, Hse #198, Rents $8
Gregory, Hoyt E Head M W 32 Grade HS2 b Oklahoma same house in 1935 Farmer
Gregory, Esther L Wife F W 30 Grade HS1 b Oklahoma same house in 1935
Gregory, Wayne L Son M W 10 Single Grade 3 b Oklahoma same house in 1935
U.S. Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 1
Wayne L Gregory
Birth Date 31 Dec 1929 [17 Aug 1929]
836 Stahl Dr, Midwest City, OK, 73110-7953 (1993)
4229 Lamar Dr, Oklahoma City, OK, 73115-4415 (1993)
Note that there are two birth dates associated with the above record set. The August date matches that on his grave.
Wayne L "Jack" Gregory
Birth Aug 17, 1929
Death Mar 19, 2014
Wayne L "Jack" Gregory, 84, passed away March 19, 2014 at his home in Spring, Texas. He was born August 17, 1929 in Lindsay Oklahoma. Mr Gregory served as a Sergeant First Class in the United States Army Corp, Company A, 5th Engineer Battalion (Combat), from 1951 to 1953. He was married to Evelyn Wade on March 10, 1955. The Gregorys moved to Midwest City, Oklahoma in 1964, where Jack was employed as a firefighter for the City of Midwest City from 1964 until 1984. Mr Gregory retired as Captain of the fire department. He also worked for H C Price Pipeline, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, from 1947 until 1963 as a heavy equipment operator connecting oil pipeline that ultimately became part of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. In June 2013, Jack and Evelyn moved from Midwest City to Spring, Texas to be near their children and grandchildren.
His parents and two sisters preceded him in death.
Jack is survived by his wife, Evelyn Gregory, two children, son: Mark Gregory and wife Nancy, daughter: Kim Hoover and husband Tim, as well as his grandchildren: Shelbi Gregory, Sara Gregory and Hillary Hoover.
A Memorial Service is scheduled for Friday, March 28, 2014 at 11:00 am at Country Estates Baptist Church, 1000 S Midwest Blvd, Midwest City, Oklahoma 73110. Mr Gregory will be laid to rest at Resthaven Memory Gardens.
Burial Resthaven Gardens Cemetery, Oklahoma City, Cleveland County, Oklahoma.
Hoyt E Gregory (1908 - 1975)
Esther L Harris Gregory (1909 - 1999)
Sister Roena Marie Gregory Plog (1939 - 2006)
Created by Phil & Donna Stricklan Mar 27, 2014
-- Find A Grave Memorial #126996358, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=126996358
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