Life History
15th Feb 1837 |
Born in Kentucky.1,2,3,3,1 |
about 1865 |
Birth of son Armstrong SELLARDS in Kentucky.3,1 |
about 1868 |
Birth of son Jasper SELLARDS in Minnesota.3 |
23rd Sep 1870 |
Death of John William SELLARDS in Floyd County, Kentucky.2 |
after 1873 |
Married Volney Ephraim GAY in Dassel, Meeker, Minnesota |
28th Feb 1889 |
Death of Volney Ephraim GAY in Dassel, Meeker, Minnesota.2,4 |
Jan 1891 |
Died in Dassel, Meeker, Minnesota.2 |
Jan 1891 |
Buried in Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery, Dassel, Meeker County, Minnesota.2 |
Other facts
Married John William SELLARDS |
- In the the 1880 US census and 1885 Minnesota state census, Jane is married to Volney Gay. The name Jane L matches Lorena Jane Turmire Sellards, reported as Volney's second wife in his memorial on Find a Grave. This was her second marriage, after her first husband WIlliam Sellards died in 1870. Volney's son, and two of Jane's sons, are all together in one household in 1880. The youngest child in the household is her son Jasper, who is 17.
This indicates she was still married to Mr Sellards when Jasper was born, in about 1868. It is not clear here whether he is her last child, but likely so. The Bellamy genealogy reports that Volney's first wife Lucy died in 1873. It appears that the widower Volney married Lorena Jane some time after 1873.
1880 Federal Census, Meeker County, Minnesota, 12 June, Ladys Spring District 3, Enumeraton District 144, page 10, Hse/Fam #53
Gay, Volney W M 64 Head Farmer Ohio Scotland Scotland [b abt 1826]
Gay, Jane W F 43 Wife Keeping House Has Consumption KY OH KY [abt 1837]
Gay, Alonzo W M 25 Son Works on Farm idiotic Minnesota Ohio Kentucky [b abt 1855]
Gay, Willie W M 18 Son Works on Farm Minnesota Ohio Kentucky [b abt 1862]
Gay [Sellards], Armstrong W M 15 Son Works on Farm KY OH KY [b abt 1865]
Gay [Sellards], Jasper W M 12 Son Works on Farm Minn OH KY [b abt 1868]
The last two young men are Jane's sons from her marriage to William Sellards, whio died in 1870. Volney's first wife Laura/Lucy died in 1873. The enumerator just erred in reporting them as named Gay. This error is corrected in the 1885 census, where thay are reported with their correct last name.
1885 Minnesota State Census, Meeker County, 2 June, Dassel, page 15, Hse/Fam #120
Gay, Valery 67 M b Ohio [b abt 1818]
Gay, Jane L 47 F b Kentucky [b abt 1838]
Gay, Alanzo 30 M b Minnesota [b abt 1855]
Selards, Armstrong 20 M b Kentucky [b abt 1865]
Selards, Jasper 17 M b Minnesota [b abt 1868]
Lorena Jane Turmire Sellards
Birth Feb. 15, 1837 Kentucky
Death Jan., 1891 Dassel, Meeker County, Minnesota
John William Sellards (1841 - 1870)
Volney Ephraim Gay (1817 - 1889)
Rachel Sellards Gardiner (1862 - 1887)
Armstrong S Sellards (1865 - 1933)
William Jasper Sellards (1868 - 1888)
William Jasper Sellards (1868 - 1888)
Belinda Caroline Sellards (1870 - 1870)
Burial Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery, Dassel, Meeker County, Minnesota
Created by Valerie Lawrence Sep 21, 2010
-- Find A Grave Memorial #59013722,
- 1. 1885 Minnesota State Census, Meeker County
- 2 June, Dassel, page 15, Hse/Fam #120
- 2. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 3. 1880 Federal Census, Meeker County, Minnesota
- 12 June, Ladys Spring District 3, Enumeraton District 144, page 10, Hse/Fam #53
- 4. Ancestry Trees