Life History
Mar 1849 |
Born in Missouri |
about 1871 |
Married Sada J GILMORE.1 |
7th Jan 1873 |
Birth of daughter Nancy Elizabeth WOOLEY in Texas.3,4 |
Apr 1874 |
Birth of daughter Lydia Emaline WOOLEY in Texas.5,3 |
3rd Jun 1876 |
Birth of daughter Ida A WOOLEY in Texas.6,7,4,3 |
about 1878 |
Birth of son William WOOLEY in Young County, Texas.3 |
Mar 1881 |
Birth of son Foster J WOOLEY in Texas.8 |
Jan 1886 |
Birth of daughter Mertie WOOLEY in Texas |
Mar 1888 |
Birth of son Robert WOOLEY in Texas.1 |
after 1900 |
Died.1 |
- ----------------
I heard in my family that my great grandfather Enoch Wooley used to tease my grandmother Sada "Sadie" Byrd Wooley by whooping like an Indian. It would make her mad.
Andrew Gilmore's wife Lyda Byrd Gilmore died before him and he married again. Andrew and Lyda are buried in the Gooseneck Cemetery along with his second wife. He had some children by his second wife as well. If you look on the Internet it has the photos of the cemetery.
Also, Elijah Myers Wooley and his wife Sarah Howard Wooley are buried at the Harmony Cemetery and it is on the Internet. Thomas Howard Wooley and his wife Mary Brinkley Wooley are buried at Greenwood, I believe. They are on the Internet as well.
-- Wanda Cox, from her research, Facebook Message to Orville Boyd Jenkins, 24 July 2015
1880 Federal Census, Young County, Texas, 9 June, Precinct 1, District 167, page 13 (scan 384B), Hse/Fam #177
Wiley [Wooley], Enoch W M 24 Head Farmer MO MO MO [b abt 1856]
Wiley, Sadie J W F 24 Wife Housekeeping AR MS MS [abt 1856]
Wiley, Elizabeth E W F 8 Dau At Home TX MO AR [abt 1872]
Wiley, Lydia M W F 6 Dau At Home TX MO AR [b abt 1876]
Wiley, Ida W F 5 Dau At Home TX MO AR [b abt 1875]
Wiley, William W M 2 Son At Home TX MO AR [abt 1878]
1900 Federal Census, Cottle County, Texas, 8 June, Fork, District 77, Page 5B, House #93, Family #95
Wooley, Enoch Head W M Mar 1849 51 Married 29 yrs MO MO MO Farmer Rents
Wooley, Sadie Wife W F Oct 1852 47 Married 29 yrs 8 children/8 living AR TN TN
Wooley, Mertie W F Jan 1886 14 Single TX MO AR
Wooley, Robert Son W M Mar 1888 12 TX MO AR
- 1. 1900 Federal Census, Cottle County, Texas
- 2. Facebook Messaging
- 3. 1880 Federal Census, Young County, Texas
- 9 June, Precinct 1, District 167, page 13 (scan 384B), Hse/Fam #177
- 4. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 5. 1900 Federal Census, Parker County, Texas
- 15 June, justice Precinct 6, District 77, page 7A, Hse #128, Fam #130
- 6. 1900 Federal Census, Cottle County, Texas
- 6 June, Paducah, District 20, Page 3A, House/Family #49
- 7. 1940 Federal Census, Stephens County, Oklahoma
- 4 April, Wall Township, District 69-29, Page 3A, Hse #43, Rents $10
- 8. 1900 Federal Census, Cottle County, Texas
- 8 June, Fork, District 77, Page 5B, House #93, Family #95