Isaac HORTON9,5,8,10,6,3,4,7,3
about 17548 - about Sep 18545,2
Life History
about 1754 |
Born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.2,4 (most likely) |
about 1759 |
Born.8 (less likely) |
1763 |
Born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.6,7,4 (less likely) |
about 1782 |
Married Mary Ann GREEN in Pendleton District, South Carolina.7 |
about 1796 |
Birth of son Daniel HORTON in Pendleton District, South Carolina.11,12,13 |
14th Nov 1799 |
Birth of son Thomas G HORTON in South Carolina.13,14,15 |
about 1800 |
Birth of son Francis M HORTON.13 |
16th Nov 1802 |
Birth of son Jesse D HORTON in Pendleton District, South Caroilina.16,13,17 |
about 1807 |
Birth of daughter Susanna HORTON.18 |
about 1810 |
Birth of daughter Lucy HORTON.13 |
about 1850 |
Death of Mary Ann GREEN in Sugar Hill, Gwinnett, Georgia.19,3 |
about Sep 1854 |
Died in Sugar Hill, Gwinnett, Georgia.5,2 |
about Sep 1854 |
Buried in First Baptist Cemetery, Sugar Hill, Gwinnett County, Georgia.1,2,3 |
- Isaac and Mary Ann are reported to have moved at some unspecified time to Hall County, Georgia, then Gwinnett County, Georgia.
-- Glenda Pool, William Green Genealogy
"Issac Horton, bro of Jonathan, married Nancy's sister Mary Anne and they moved to Gwinnett Co GA. Jonathan's brothers James (killed by Indians in Indiana, where he moved with his wife's family), Issac, Abraham Jr (married Aditha Clark) and Daniel are all Rev War Patriots. Jonathan wasn't born till ca 1796, and one more bro Joseph b ca 1800."
-- Sheri Horton, email to Orville Boyd Jenkins, 20 October 2010
Family Data Collection - Births
Isaac Horton
Father Abram Abraham Horton
Mother Martha Brissell
Birth Date 1763
Bucks County, Pennsylvania
1840 Federal Census, Revolutionary Pensioners List, Gwinnett County, Georgia, page 145, Hse/Fam #935
Isaac Horton 81 M [b abt 1759]
US Government Pension
Isaac Horton Private $20 per mo Twice yearly March 1949-Sept 1854
(Thus death occurred between Sept 1854 and Mar 1855)
Age variations are to be expected in sources of this era, and we find a variation of age in the 1850 census for what seems to be this Isaac Horton. We know from family sources that Isaac and Mary Ann moved to Gwinnett County, Georgia, and we find an entry in the 1850 census for them, strongly supported by the report of birth in Pennsylvania for Isaac.
His age here is 96, which would be birth in the year 1754, earlier than the age reported in the pension chart, and much earlier than the birth year of 1763 commonly reported, as in the Family Data Collection record above. The birth date on his grave is also 1763. The latter is the birth date Isaac himself reported in his Revolutionary War pension application.
1850 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia, 25 September, Sugar Hill District, page 388, Hse/Fam #935
Isaac Horton 96 M R T (Retired?) Farmer $100 Real Estate b Pennsylvania Cannot read or write [b abt 1754]
Mary An [sic] Horton 88 F b NC [b abt 1762]
On one side of them in House #936 is an Abram Horton, only 26 years old, married also to a Mary An. This appears to be Isaac and Mary Ann's son.
1850 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia, 25 September, Sugar Hill District, page 388, Hse/Fam #936
Abram Horton 26 M R T Farmer $100 Real Estate b GA [b abt 1824]
Mary An [sic] Horton 29 F b NC Cannot read or write [b abt 1821]
Thomas Horton 5 M R T b GA [b abt 1845]
Isaac N Horton 4 M R T b GA [b abt 1846]
Nancy L Horton 1 F b NC [b abt 1849]
This Abram (Abraham) is probably old Isaac's grandson, who moved later with his brother Isaac to Blount County, Alabama.
"Abraham Horton, Sr. moved his family from Bucks County, Pennsylvania to Surry County, North Carolina in 1767 where he died on 16 January 1816. Some branches of the family moved to South Carolina about 1800. From South Carolina, Isaac moved to Hall County, Georgia where he died. Two of Isaac's grandsons, Abraham and Isaac migrated to Blount County, Alabama, and established the town of Horton which is now in Marshall County. They built a mill complex on the Little Warrior River."
-- The Horton Connection, by Arnold Horton Wilson and Bonnie Imogene (Rains) Wilson, Copyright 1995, First Edition, pages 2, as quoted in
On the other side of old Isaac is a Thomas Horton, age 51, and his wife Nicy. Beth Walls Walton reports her as Nicy Nelson. The name Nicy (usually Nicey) was a common nickname for Eunice.
1850 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia, 25 September, Sugar Hill District, page 388, Hse/Fam #934
Thomas Horton 51 M R T Farmer $700 Real Estate b South Carolina [b abt 181799]
Nicy [Nelson] Horton 46 F b South Carolina Cannot read or write [b abt 1804]
Jane Horton 24 F R T b GA [b abt 1826]
Martha C Horton 17 F R T b GA [b abt 1833]
Eliza A Horton 15 F b NC [b abt 1835]
Emily E Horton 13 F b NC [b abt 1837]
Family sources confirm that this Thomas is Isaac and Nancy's son. His age in the census entry above matches that in the genealogy report below. The young Abram above would be Thomas' son.
Children of Isaac Horton and Mary Green are:
120 i. Daniel Horton, born 1796 in Pendleton, South Carolina; died 1860 in Marshall, Alabama; married (1) Mary "Polly" East; married (2) Malinda Aft. 1854.
ii. Thomas G. Horton, born November 14, 1799; died 1859.
iii. Francis M. Horton, born 1800; died 1860.
iv. Jesse D. Horton, born November 16, 1802; died February 13, 1874.
v. Susanna Horton, born 1807; died Unknown.
vi. Lucy Horton, born 1810; died 1870.
-- Ancestors of Janet Lee Jinkins,
Another of Thomas' sons lives a little farther down the road and is enumerated a couple of pages later. This is Daniel, married to Mary (Polly) East, whose parents are living a few doors down from them. There is also on the same page a 28-year-old Jeffrey Horton, whom I have not identified, but suspect is another grandson of old Isaac, and probably a son of Daniel and Mary. He is born in South Carolina, as are both Daniel and Mary.
1850 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia, 25 September, page 389, Hse/Fam #939
Daniel Horton 54 M Farmer $250 Real Estate b SC [b abt 1796]
Mary Horton 60 F b SC [b abt 1790]
F Marion Horton 18 M Farmer b GA [b abt 1832]
Elizabeth Horton 20 F b GA [b abt 1830]
1850 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia, 25 September, page 389, Hse/Fam #943
Jeffrey Horton 28 M Farmer $250 Real Estate b SC [b abt 1796]
Elizabeth G Horton 27 F b SC [b abt 1790]
George R Horton 5 M b GA [b abt 1845]
Martha J Horton 3 F b GA [b abt 1847]
Mary C Horton 2 F b GA [b abt 1848]
Marion T Horton 1 M b GA [b abt 1849]
Infant Horton 1mo M b GA [b abt July 1850]
A transcription of Isaac's Revolutionary War pension application with many personal details is provided by Beth Walls Walton, a Horton researcher. I have added paragraphing to enable smoother reading.
Georgia Gwinnett County: Inferior Court March term 1833
"On this 4th day of March 1833 Personally appeared in open Court - it being a Court of record now sitting Isaac Horton a resident of the said County of Gwinnett & State of Georgia aforesaid aged seventy years who being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to avail himself of the benefits of the Act of Congress passed 7th of June 1832.
That he entered the service under the following named officers and served as follows to wit - That he entered the service under the command of Captain George Pierce - attached to the Regiment of Colonel Pacely [John Paisley] - & the Division of General Davidson in Surry County in the State of North Carolina as a private militia volunteer Soldier that he marched down below Charlotte in North Carolina under the aforesaid officers from whence returned through Charlotte pursued by the British to Salisbury - where the British Army was for I while stationed.
That when the British left Salisbury this deponent with and at command of his officers aforesaid pursued them to the Catawba River where they crossed at nations Ford - that from thence they were marched to Sugar Creek as he thinks in Rowan County - where they were stationed until he was discharged - that he received a written discharge which has been since stolen from him - That said term of service continued three months.
That a very short time after returning home he again volunteered under the command of Captain John Morgan - Major McDowell - attached to General Morgan's Division - and marched to South Carolina and was on duty at the battle of the Cowpens. That after said battle he was employed to guard the prisoners to the barracks in Virginia. After which he was again discharged which discharge in writing was lost as aforesaid.
That soon after his returning home he was drafted and under Captain Morgan aforesaid attached to Colonel Pacely's Regiment & General Davidson's division - marched to some Ford on the Catawba [River] when the British attempted to cross said River - that a Battle ensued in which General Davidson was killed. He does not recollect the name of the place - when this tour expired he was again discharged - and returned home - That he again volunteered soon after his arrival at home under Captain James Gaines - Colonel Smith & General Rutherford - and under their command marched to or near Wilmington - was in no engagement during this term of service - which continued as ordered [?] three months when he was again discharged regularly - in writing - that during the said last term of service he acted as a Sergeant.
That soon after he again volunteered under Captain Gaines - Major Winston - & Colonel Armstrong and marched to join General Green [Nathaniel Greene] at Guilford Court House that the deponent was dispatched from the main Army with some horses the day before the Battle of Guilford - as he returned he met with Captain Kell [James Kell?] who was marching to attack Fannin [David Fanning] a Tory Captain at Lindley's Mills - in or near the line of Guilford County - that he together with his Associates were persuaded to join Captain Kell and were with him in a battle fought with said Fanning - that they defeated Fanning - after which he again joined General Greene - and was with him at the battle of Eutaw Springs [September 8, 1781]-
Soon after which he was again discharged in writing - which discharge he lost as well as all others that he received - as above stated to wit - they were stolen from him. That at the Close of the war old when he was last discharged he settled in Surry County aforesaid where he lived 2 years - from thence he moved to Spartanburg in South Carolina where he also remained 2 years - thence to Pendleton in the State last aforesaid - married and remained there 30 years or upwards - from thence he removed into HALL COUNTY in the State of GEORGIA & lived there 7 years - from there he removed to his present residence in the State of Georgia & County of Gwinnett aforesaid.
The affidavits of David Southerlin appended will establish the truth of what he states in relation to 2 of his above tours or terms of service - the other terms he has no evidence to establish except his own oath. He hereby relinquishes every claim to any pension or annuity except the present - and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.
Sworn & subscribed in open Court the day & year aforesaid.
S/ Isaac Horton, X his mark"
[Silas King, a clergyman, and Jalen Ivey gave the standard supporting affidavit.]
Georgia Gwinnett County:
"Personally appeared before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in & for said State and County Isaac Horton who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his service - or as to the precise periods of the war in which he served but according to the best of his recollection he served not less than the periods mentioned below and in the following grades - and as near as he recollects at & during the following periods of the war. For 3 months I served as a private volunteer militia soldier in the year 1780.
That for 3 months I served as a militia volunteer private soldier in the year 1781. For 3 months I served as a private drafted militia man in the year 1781. For 3 months I served as a Sergeant of militia in 1781 or 82. For 3 months I served as a private militia volunteer soldier in the year 1782 and for such service I claim a pension. And further amendment to his declaration and in answer to the objections made by the War Department to said declaration the deponent answers and says That he was born in the State of Pennsylvania in the County of (he believes) Bucks in the year 1763."
-- Find a Grave,
This pension application information was included on the Find a Grave memorial for one Mary Horton Tharp, who Walton reports as a daughter of Isaac and Mary Ann. This Mary Horton does not appear in other lists and sources as a daughter of Isaac and Mary Ann.
Walton presents some compelling circumstantial evidence, including a son named Isaac, to conclude that Mary Tharp is Isaac's daughter. I note, however, that Mary Ann's birth year is reported as 1786, which is considerably before the next known child's birth, Daniel Horton, born in 1796.
Even so, the reported approximate date of Isaac and Mary's marriage was 1782, accommodating the birth of Mary Horton in 1786. But were there no interim children between 1786 and 1796?
His military grave marker reads as follows:
Isaac Horton Continental Line Revolutionary War 1763 (corrected from other sources to 1754) 1854
-- Gravestone of Isaac Horton, Sugar Hill First Baptist Church Cemetery Register,
The date of birth is 1754, going by his reported age of 96 in the 1850 census. A family source has also annotated the photo of his grave marker with a corrected date of birth of 1754. Note also that the register of the cemetery has recorded his date of death as 1853, even though the marker says 1854. The latter is the correct year, as reported by his Military pension records, which stopped after September 1854.
"A Gwinnett County delegation Friday held a memorial service for Revolutionary War veteran Isaac Horton, who died in the Sugar Hill area of Gwinnett County in 1854. The ceremony took place at the Sugar Hill Baptist Church where a government marker was placed to honor Horton, whose real burial site is unknown."
-- Gwinnett (Georgia) Daily News, 20 February 1982
Isaac Horton
Birth 1763
Death 1854
Continental Line Revolutionary War
Isaac Horton was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania in 1763 to Abraham Horton, Sr. 1722-1816 and Martha Brissell Williams Horton 1725-1808. He had 7 brothers and sisters: John Horton, Daniel Brissell Horton, James Brissell Horton. Abraham Horton, Jr., William B. Horton, Priscilla Horton and Mary Horton.
Parents Abraham Horton (1733 - 1815)
Burial First Baptist Cemetery, Sugar Hill, Gwinnett County, Georgia
Maintained by Marilyn Dean, Originally Created by Reuben Glen Davis Sr May 27, 2012
-- Find A Grave Memorial #90834926,
Another memorial on Find a Grave reports him buried at the Horton Cemetery in Sugar Hill. This cemetery location is described on FAG: "Cemetery located near intersection of Whitehead Road and Suwanee Dam Road, Gwinnett County, GA, Sugar Hill"
-- Horton Family Cemetery,
Isaac Brissell Horton
Birth May 12, 1759 Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Death Feb 28, 1854 Sugar Hill, Gwinnett County, Georgia, USA
Married Mary Anne Greene in 1785 in Surry county, NC
Spouse Mary Anne Greene Horton (1762 - 1850)
Daughter Nancy Jane Horton Smith (1793 - 1864)
Burial Horton Family Cemetery, Gwinnett County, Georgia
Created by 1-48069415 Aug 20, 2013
-- Find A Grave Memorial #115786084,
- 1. Obituary of Isaac Horton
- 2. Gravestone of Isaac Horton, Sugar Hill Baptist Church Cemetery, Sugar Hill, Gwinnett, Georgia
- Registry:
- 3. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 4. 1850 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia
- 25 September, Sugar Hill District, page 388, Hse/Fam #935
- 5. US Government Pension
- 6. Family Data Collection - Births
- 7. Glenda Pool, William Green Genealogy
- Name: private, received through Green-Bearden family channels;
- 8. 1840 Federal Census, Revolutionary Pensioners List
- Gwinnett County, Georgia, page 145, Hse/Fam #935
- 9. Bolt American
- as quoted in Grigg & Fuhriman,
- 10. Email Sources
- 11. 1850 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia
- 25 September, page 389, Hse/Fam #939
- 12. 1860 Federal Census, Marshall County, Alabama
- 14 July, Eastern Division, PO Big Spring, pae 30, Hse/Fam #199
- 13. Trees
- 14. 1850 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia
- 25 September, Sugar Hill District, page 388, Hse/Fam #934
- 15. 1860 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia
- 11 July, District 550, PO Caines, page 79 (scan 641), Hse/Fam #479
- 16. 1860 Federal Census, Gwinnett County, Georgia
- 11 July, District 550, PO Caines, page 79 (scan 641), Hse/Fam #478
- 17. Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970
- 18. York County South Carolina -- Official Records
- 19. Ancestry Trees
- Gillespie Parham,
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