13th May 18925,6 - 2nd Nov 19797
Life History
13th May 1892 |
Born in Marietta, Pickens County, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory.1,4,2,3 (most likely) |
13th May 1893 |
Born.7,8 (less likely) |
1896 |
Born in Oklahoma.5,6 (less likely) |
between 1910 and 1930 |
Resident in Richland, Stephens, Oklahoma.5,6 |
2nd Nov 1979 |
Died in Lindsay, Garvin, Oklahoma.1,2,3 (most likely) |
Nov 1979 |
Died in Lindsay, Garvin, Oklahoma.7 (less likely) |
3rd Nov 1979 |
Buried in Marlow Cemetery, Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma.1,2,3 |
Other facts
Social Security number 441-48-8872.7 |
SSN issued in Oklahoma.7 |
- My aunt Loretta Gregory Gay tells me they called Stella Stellie. Stella's niece Lou Ila Gregory Jenkins gave me the birth date. Family information reports Stella's birth date as 13 May 1892. The Social Security Death Index, however, records the birth as one year later, 13 May 1893. This is the date also reported in the 1900 census.
1900 Federal Census, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, 20 July, Township 4, District 120, page 52B, Hse/Fam #949
Greene, James Head W M Jan 1861 39 Married 11 years TX GA GA Owns
Greene, Amanda Wife W F Feb 1861 39 Married 11 years 4 children/4 living GA GA GA
Greene, Stella W F May 1893 7 Ind Terr Texas GA
1910 Federal Census, Stephens County, Oklahoma, 25 April, Richland Township, District 243, page 6B, No Hse or Fam #s on this page
Green, James T Head M W 49 2nd Marriage Married 20 years TX GA GA Farmer Owns
Green, Mandy Wife F W 49 2nd Marriage Married 20 years GA GA GA
Green, Stella Dau F W 14 OK TX GA Farm Laborer
1920 Federal Census, Stephens County, Oklahoma, 2 February, Richland Township, District 262, page 10A, No house or family numbers on this page
Green, James Head Owns M W 59 TX GA GA Farmer
Green, Mandy Wife F W 59 GA GA GA
Green, Stella Dau F W 24 OK US US
In 1954, Stella was declared "insane and incopetent" by a court, which appointed her niece Retta Green Gregory as Stalla's Guardian.
Stella's great niece Loretta Gregory Gay reported the date of Stella's death as 2 November 1979 and the place of death as Marlow, Oklahoma. But The Social Security Death Index reports her last residence of record as Lindsay, Oklahoma. The Marlow Cemetery listing has the same date of death reported by the famliy.
Stella Addie Green -- Funeral 3 November (1979) in Brown-Boydston Funeral Home Chapel, Lindsay, Oklahoma, with Rev Bill Gentry, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Lindsay, officiating
Born 13 May 1892 near Marietta, Indian Territory
Died in the Lindsay Municipal Hospital 2 November 1979 at age 87
Daughter of James Toliver and Amanda Green
Lived in Marlow, Oklahoma, many years
Moved from Lexington, Oklahoma, to the Lindsay Village Care Center December 6, 1966
Survivors include a sister, Effie Ella Green and a nephew, Homer Green of Marlow, several great nieces and a nephew named
Burial Marlow Cemetery by Brown-Boydston Funeral Home
-- Lindsay News, 6 November 1979, p 4; clipping courtesy of Lou Ila Jenkins; found among her papers in Lindsay, Oklahoma, June 2019
Stella Addie Green
Birth 13 May 1892
Death 2 Nov 1979 (aged 87)
Burial Marlow Cemetery, Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma
James Toliver Green 1861-1929
Amanda A Tatum Green 1861-1945
Effie Ella Green 1889-1981
Lizzie Leona Green 1899-1950
Created by Jean 1 Dec 2007
-- Find A Grave Memorial 23198245, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/23198245/stella-addie-green
- 1. Marlow Cemetery List, Marlow, Stephens, Oklahoma
- Location: http://stephenscogen.org/~okstephe/MarlowCem2.txt;
- 2. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 3. Obituaries from Oklahoma
- 4. Lou Ila Gregory Jenkins, Family History Dates
- 5. 1910 Federal Census, Stephens County, Oklahoma
- 25 April, Richland Township, District 243, page 6B, No Hse or Fam #s on this page
- 6. 1920 Federal Census, Stephens County, Oklahoma
- 2 February, Richland Township, District 262, page 10A, No house or family numbers on this page
- 7. Social Security Death Index
- 8. 1900 Federal Census, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory
- 20 July, Township 4, District 120, page 52B, Hse/Fam #949
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