George Emory GREEN11,1,2,3,10,4,5,6,7,8,9
6th Aug 19161,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - 29th Nov 19911,4,5,8,9
Life History
6th Aug 1916 |
Born in Duncan, Stephens, Oklahoma.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 |
1920 |
Resident in Marlow, Stephens, Oklahoma.3 |
1930 |
Residence2 in Justice Precinct 2, Parmer, Texas.10 |
5th Sep 1935 |
Married Jewel Oleta WELLS in Sevier County, Arkansas.6 |
13th Jun 1936 |
Birth of son Donald Carroll GREEN in Friona, Parmer, Texas.7,9,12,13,5,14 |
29th Nov 1991 |
Died in Patterson, Stanislaus, California.1,4,5,8,9 |
after 29th Nov 1991 |
Buried in Patterson District Cemetery, Patterson, Stanislaus County, California.5 |
- 1920 Federal Census, Stephens County, Oklahoma, 28 January, Marlow Ward 2, District 257, page 13B, Hse #441, Fam #562
Green, J Taylor Head Owns Home Free M W 41 TX GA IL Real Estate
Green, Mattie Wife F W 35 OK MS AR
Green, George M Son M W 3 OK MS [sic] AR
The middle initial M here probably represents a nickname Em as a short form of the name Emory, which appears in his full name on the California Death record below.
1930 Federal Census, Parmer County, Texas, 23 April, Justice Precinct 2, District 185, page 6A, Hse #100, Fam #107
Green, Taylor J Head Owns M W 51 Married at 22 yrs old TX GA IL Farmer Not a veteran
Green, Mattie Wife F W 35 Married at 17 yrs old OK MS TN
Green, George Son M W 12 OK TX OK
George's date of birth on the grave info below is 6 August 1916. This accords with his reported age of 3 in the 1920 census. But in 1930 he is reported as only 12 years old. In what appears to be his the correct marriage records, George reports his age as 19 in 1935.
Note that when they married in 1935, both George and Jewel living in DeQueen, Arkansas, just over the border from Oklahoma. This is quite a distance away form Duncan, Oklahoma, where he was living in his parents in 1930. My thanks to cousin an coresearcher Marion Mixon for finding this marriage record. The census shows that George's parents had also moved to DeQueen from Parmer County, Texas, and the 1940 census reports that was their residence in 1935. But they were back in Parmer County for the 1940 census, where they were reported as resident in Friona.
George Green
Age 19, Birth Year abt 1916
Residence DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas
Spouse's Name Jewel Wells
Spouse's Age 16, Spouse's Residence DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas
Marriage 5 Sep 1935 Sevier County
Marriage License Date 5 Sep 1935
For the 1940 census, they were enumerated in Parmer County, Texas, where his aprents ahd previouslylliived and had mvoed back befroe the 1940 census. In 1940 hsi paretns were living in the town of Friona, while George and Jewel were living out in the county farming. This census reported that in 1935 they are also living in Parmer County. This is possible if they moved soon after their marriage. That adds more uncertainty, though, as to why they were living in DeQueen, Arkansas in September 1935 when they got married.
1940 Federal Census, Parmer County, Texas, 9 April, Justice Precinct 4, District 185-5, Page 3A, Hse #43, Rents $100
Green, George Head M W 23 Married Grade 4 b Oklahoma Same place Parmer County in 1935 Farmer [b abt 1917]
Green, Jewel Wife F W 21 Married Grade 8 b Texas Same place Parmer County in 1935 [b abt 1919]
Green, Donald Son M W 3 Grade 0 b Texas Same place Parmer County in 1935 [b abt 1937]
A quick check on other familly records clarifies somewhat that their whole famliy have been living in DeQueen in 1935. Taylor and Mattie's record in the 1940 census shows that they and the unmarreid sons Elmer and Glen were living in DeQueen in 1935. So it appears George and his new wife moved on earlier, soon after their marriage, then his parents and brothers joined them some time the next year or later. They were all enumerated in Friona, Texas, near the New Mexico border.
1940 Federal Census, 4 April, Parmer County, Texas, 4 April, Friona, District 185-2, page 1B, Hse #31, Owns $23 [? the amount is like rent around them]
Green, Taylor Head M W 60 Married Grade 7 Indian Territory DeQueen, Sevier County, Ark in 1935 Real Estate Salesman [b abt 1880]
Green, Mattie Wife M W 55 Married Grade 7 b Indian Territory DeQueen, Sevier County, Ark in 1935 [b abt 1885]
Green, Elmer Head M W 25 Single Grade H4 Oklahoma DeQueen, Sevier County, Ark in 1935 Radio Store Proprietor [b abt 1915]
Green, Glen Head M W 18 Single Grade H4 Oklahoma DeQueen, Sevier County, Ark in 1935 Farm Laborer [b abt 1922]
The following transcription of a WWII draft registration appears to be for this George Emory Green, matching the correct middle initial, county of California, mother's maiden name and year of birth, though the registration normally includes the full birth. The original image of this registration was not available on line.
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
George E Green
White, Citizen, Married
Born 1916 Oklahoma
Residence Stanislaus County, California
Enlistment 19 Jan 1945 San Francisco, California
Grade Private
Education 2 years of high school
Civil Occupation Semiskilled chauffeurs and drivers, bus, taxi, truck, and tractor
California Death Index, 1940-1997
George Emory Green
Birth 6 Aug 1916 Oklahoma
Death 29 Nov 1991 Stanislaus County
Mother's Maiden Name Lovin
Social Security #552143246
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
George E. Green
6 Aug 1916
Died 29 Nov 1991
SSN 552-14-3246 issued California (Before 1951)
U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
George Emery Green
Birth 6 Aug 1916 Duncan, Oklahoma
Father Name James T Green
Mother Name Mattie Lovin
Death Date 29 Nov 1991
SSN 552143246
Apr 1938 Name listed as GEORGE EMERY GREEN; 03 Jun 1993 Name listed as GEORGE E GREEN
George Emory Green
Birth Aug 6, 1916 Duncan, Stephens County, Oklahoma
Death Nov 29, 1991 Patterson, Stanislaus County, California
James Taylor Green (1878 - 1964)
Mattie Arletta Lovin Green (1884 - 1969)
Burial Patterson District Cemetery, Patterson, Stanislaus County, California, Plot C 5 96
Created by armyvet May 28, 2013
-- Find A Grave Memorial #111361267,
Military Gravestone, Patterson District Cemetery, Patterson, Stanislaus County, California
George E Green
Aug 6 1916 Nov 29 1991
Jewel O Green
Apr 20 1919
- 1. California Death Index, 1940-1997
- 2. U.S., World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
- 3. 1920 Federal Census, Stephens County, Oklahoma
- 28 January, Marlow, District 257, page 13B, Hse #441, Fam #562
- 4. Military Gravestone of George E Green, Patterson District Cemetery, Patterson, Stanislaus County, California
- 5. Find a Grave Memorial Registry
- 6. Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837-1957
- 7. 1940 Federal Census, Parmer County, Texas
- 9 April, Justice Precinct 4, District 185-5, Page 3A, Hse #43, Rents $100
- 8. U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
- 9. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
- 10. 1930 Federal Census, Parmer County, Texas
- 23 April, Justice District 2, page 6A, Hse #100, Fam #107
- 11. Linda Dudley Genealogy
- 12. Texas, Birth Index, 1903-1997
- 13. Obituary Daily Times Index, 1995-Current
- 14. U.S. Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 1
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