John Lewis DUMOND Chester Carleece DUMOND Florence Irene DUMOND Jennie Belle DUMOND Sarah Haggy DUMOND Lester Lee DUMOND Pauline B DUMOND Elizabeth Lois DUMOND Lloyd Thrace DUMOND John Lincoln DUMOND Katie WATKINS Mini tree diagram

Leta Aline DUMOND1,7,2,3,4,6,5

19th May 19171,2,3,4,5 - 8th Aug 20013,6,5

Life History

19th May 1917

Born in DeWitt, Arkansas, Arkansas.1,2,3,4,5

8th Aug 2001

Died in Harker Heights, Bell, Texas.3,6,5

10th Aug 2001

Buried in Burial Childers Cemetery, DeWitt, Arkansas County, Arkansas.3,6


  • 1920 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 3 February, LaGrue Township, District 12, page 12A, Hse #247, Fam #257
    Dumond, Lewis J Head  Rents farm  M W 33 AR AR AR Farmer [b abt 1887]
    Dumond, Katie  Wife F W 33 AR AR AR [b abt 1887]
    Dumond, Aline Dau F W 2 AR AR AR [b abt 1918]

    1930 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 17 April, LaGrue Township, District 17, page 10B, Point Deluce Rd, Hse #217, Fam #219
    Dumond, Katie  Head  Rents farm  F W 43  Widow AR AR AR [b abt 1887]
    Dumond, Aline L Dau F W 13 AR AR AR [b abt 1917]

    In 1940, Aline and her twin sister Pauline are living in the household of their sister Florence.

    1940 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 15 April, DeWitt, District 1-16, page 17B, Improvement County Addition, Hse #443, Rents $8
    Louis, Florence Head M W 31 Married [but no husband in the hsehld] Grade H-1 b Ark same place in 1935 Laundry work in own home
    Louis, Marion Dau F W 10 Grade 4 b Ark same place in 1935
    Dumond, Pauline Sister F W 22 Single Grade H-4 b Ark same place in 1935
    Dumond, Aline Sister F W 22 Single Grade H-4 b Ark same place in 1935

    At the time of the death of her brother Chester Carleece Dumond, Aline was living in DeWitt, Arkansas.
    --  Obituary of Chester Carleece Dumond, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. 7 August 1999 (posted on RootsWeb)

    Her Social Security records report her residence at the time of death as Harker Heights, Texas.  Her full obituary has not been found, but a summary listing on RootsWeb seems to indicate she died in DeWitt, Arkansas.  The reference to DeWitt may only mean that is where she was from or would be buried.  Aline is buried in the Childres Cemetery. in Point DeLuce Townshipl a little south of DeWitt.

    U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-Current
    Aline Dumond
    Born 19 May 1917
    Died 8 Aug 2001
    Last Residence Harker Heights, Bell, Texas 76548
    SSN 430-98-5536 issued Arkansas (1966)

    Her gravestone and obituary have her name as Leta Aline DuMond.

    DuMond Leta Aline
    d. 8/8/2001, DeWitt, aged 84
    Survived by Twin Sister, Pauline O'Dell
    Interment 10 August 2001 Childers Cemetery
    Published Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 10 August 2001
    --  Obituary Listings,

    Leta Aline DuMond
    Birth May 19, 1917 De Witt, Arkansas County, Arkansas, USA
    Death Aug. 8, 2001 Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, USA
    John Louis Dumond (1887 - 1926)
    Katie Watkins Dumond (1887 - 1972)
    Chester Carleece Dumond (1906 - 1999)
    Sarah H. DuMond Clark (1913 - 1983)
    Lester Lee Dumond (1915 - 1998)
    Lloyd Thrace Dumond (1922 - 1994)
    John Lincoln Dumond (1926 - 2001)
    Burial Childers Cemetery, DeWitt, Arkansas County, Arkansas, USA
    Created by Linda Miller Feb 21, 2006
    --  Find A Grave Memorial #13409743,


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