Other facts
Name2: Pauline Freda Dumond.4,5 |
- 1920 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 3 February, LaGrue Township, District 12, page 12A, Hse #247, Fam #257
Dumond, Lewis J Head Rents farm M W 33 AR AR AR Farmer [b abt 1887]
Dumond, Katie Wife F W 33 AR AR AR [b abt 1887]
Dumond, Pauline B Dau F W 13 AR AR AR [b abt 1917]
1930 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 17 April, LaGrue Township, District 17, page 10B, Point Deluce Rd, Hse #217, Fam #219
Dumond, Katie Head Rents farm F W 43 Widow AR AR AR [b abt 1887]
Dumond, Pauline B Dau F W 13 AR AR AR [b abt 1917]
In 1940, Pauyline and her twin sister are lving in the household of their sister Florence Luois (Lewis), who appears to be a Widow, even though she is reported as Married. Florence is the head of the household and her husband is not mentioned.
1940 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas, 15 April, DeWitt, District 1-16, page 17B, Improvement County Addition, Hse #443, Rents $8
Louis, Florence Head M W 31 Married [but no husband in the hsehld] Grade H-1 b Ark same place in 1935 Laundry work in own home
Louis, Marion Dau F W 10 Grade 4 b Ark same place in 1935
Dumond, Pauline Sister F W 22 Single Grade H-4 b Ark same place in 1935
Dumond, Aline Sister F W 22 Single Grade H-4 b Ark same place in 1935
At the time of the death of her brother Chester Carleece Dumond, Pauline Dumond Odell was living in Hot Springs, Garland County, Arkansas.
-- Obituary of Chester Carleece Dumond, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 7 August 1999 (posted on RootsWeb)
- 1. 1930 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 17 April, LaGrue Township, District 17, page 10B, Point DeLuce Road, Hse #217, Fam #219
- 2. 1940 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 15 April, DeWitt, District 1-16, page 17B, Improvement County Addition, Hse #443, Rents $8
- 3. 1920 Federal Census, Arkansas County, Arkansas
- 3 February, LaGrue Township, District 12, page 12A, Hse #247, Fam #257
- 4. RootsWeb -- Heureux Genealogy
- http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~lheureux/lh1/d0008/g0000006.html#I116184
- 5. Obituary of Leta Aline Dumond, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 10 August 2001